Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Art of Sports Nutrition

Sports nutrition is a well researched fine art, a complex science of carbohydrates, proteins and fats that often leads the majority plain confused. So are we the one's over complicating it?

Although new science emerges on a daily basis with regards to health and nutrition, this doesn't often simplify matters, yet often complicates the situation. Many that follow a program designed by a sports nutritionist will have a breakdown of carbohydrates, fats and proteins to eat, at a certain time, from a certain source, containing a certain amount of calories all calculated against their energy expenditure on top of a list of supplements to take. Sounds like a lot right?

For the athlete this might be necessary in many cases, especially in weight class sports. But sports nutrition doesn't have to be this complicated. Of course we should be eating certain types of foods as some are more beneficial than others, and of course serve a purpose. But the emphasis on calories and its breakdown is often over emphasized and can cause a pattern of obsession.

What I suggest is a radically simple approach. An approach that I use with 95% of people. I use this for one reason only, I've noticed over the years that calorie counting for many people is a chore, complicated and time consuming. So I rarely use it.

Instead I urge anyone, whether your using a sports based nutrition program or not, to use your appetite, satiety, needs and meal timing to gauge what and how much should be eaten at a meal. This is the simplest way for someone to manage their diet. Tune in to what your body is saying and really you should be able to self-identify how much food you need to eat to maintain yourself at a steady weight (this also helps when you are eating the right foods, eating the wrong foods makes this more complicated). Once this is established you then know what you need to eat to lose or gain weight. Then simply make an effort to eat a bit more or a bit less.

Once this principal is nailed, alongside knowing your baseline macro-nutrient needs, then that is when key and effective principals of sports nutrition can really excel and be focused on. Such as strategies for carbohydrate cycling, supplementation during exercise, immune system boosting, re-feeding and the like. Such strategies are of course essential, but wasted if the basics are not already in place.

Again once specific protocols are in place that provide for your health, your training, and thus your recovery, only then can we pick our way in and around the science and fine tune some of the little things. Many read scientific journals and reviews and try to implement the odd nuggets of information straight away when really their basic principals and nutritional needs are still not being met. Like building a house without the foundations, it's just not done.

So a strategy for an effective sports nutrition plan:

1. Know the amount of carbohydrates, fat and protein your body needs

2. Know the amount of food you need to eat to maintain your weight

3. Identify proportions you need of carbohydrates in and around exercise

4. Crete a basic supplement regime

5. Fine tune an advanced supplement regime

6. Build in specific protocols for immune health, performance, super foods, and recovery

Ben Coomber consults with MMA, rowing, rugby and physique athletes at various levels. Consults for UK tennis and boxing, and owns and runs Body Type Nutrition. He is an Internationally Certified Sports Nutritionist.

Sports nutrition consultations:

Author website:

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Sport Nutrition for Children For Improved Performance

Observing proper sport nutrition for children is not just beneficial for enhancing their sports performance, but also for ensuring they stay healthy. Parents must therefore take an active role in overseeing what food components are included in your child's diet to ensure that it will foster their development, growth, and performance at their chosen sport.

Importance of Balanced Nutrition for Active Children

You need to have a good understanding of what makes up a good nutritional diet to be able to provide for your child's nutritional needs. You cannot expect your child to be healthy physically and mentally unless they get the right nutrition that their body needs.

The key factor to remember here is to make sure they get balanced nutrition. Meaning, they must consume food from all the basic food groups as part of their daily diet. There are three groups that must be equally consumed as part of their daily meal plan: grain group (such as rice, pasta, or bread), dairy foods (such as cheese, milk, and yogurt), and fruits and vegetables. Make sure to provide protein foods such as fish, meat, and poultry as it helps to nourish the muscles and provide energy needed by the body to perform sports.

There are various conceptions of what a good nutrition is and intake recommendations for each child could largely vary. But the main idea is to provide a variety of foods from each food group to ensure that all essential nutrients are acquired as part of sport nutrition for children.

Nutritional Issues to Consider

Children involved in sports need additional nutrition to ensure they remain healthy whilst boosting their sports performance. However, there are significant nutritional issues that are involved in sports nutrition. Make sure you address them to help your child stay competitively active.

Each issue is discussed in more detail below.

Timing of Intake

When it comes to sport nutrition for children, it is not just about the amount of nutrients and vitamins that one can intake. The timing of intake could also create a major impact. Children are recommended to have 5 or 6 meals per day made up of three big meals and two or three snack meals. This is ideal for maintaining the appropriate energy levels in their body to perform their sports activities.

Appropriate Hydration

As children sweat during sports activities, they lose essential fluids from the body. It is therefore important to stay hydrated by ensuring that your body has enough essential fluids. Children (as are adults) are encouraged to drink plenty of water and make sure to drink during break to replenish the hydration which has been lost. Aside from water, drinking sports fluids are sometimes recommended, depending on the level of activity, as they contain electrolytes. But note they should not be considered as a permanent alternative to water and have may have a high sugar content.


No matter how much water they drink, children can sweat a lot during sports and it is important to rehydrate as required.

According to health experts, eating a meal or snack after the athletic activity is recommended to refuel your body. Ensure the snack contains protein and carbohydrates for proper refueling. This is an important tip for parents who wanted to ensure proper sport nutrition for children because it also prepares the body for future sports activities.

If you are ever in doubt, or require more tailored advice, you can contact a dietitian, family doctor or the school/club sports trainer and/or coach.

Janelle Farley is a qualified sport management professional who is passionate about everyone, particularly children, leading a healthy and active lifestyle. She invites you to visit [] to find out more about how you can motivate your children to lead happy and healthy lives.

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Nutrition Sports Supplements

A dietary supplement or food supplement is a preparation intended to supply nutrients (such as vitamins minerals, fatty acids or amino acids) that are missing or not consumed in sufficient quantity in a person's diet.

Throughout history people have been looking for foods and substances to improve their physical strength. Greek Olympians from 300 BC used mushrooms to enhance performance. Dutch swimmers in 1865 used caffeine as an ergogen. Late 1800 Belgian athletes dipped sugar cubes in ether. Ultra endurance marathon runners used a cactus based stimulant to enhance performance .Athletes are still searching for nutrition supplements that will give them an extra edge in their competitions.

Sports nutritional supplements provide good stamina and increased strength to perform well in sports. Healthy nutritional supplements not only help to build up body mass but also give all the nutritional requirement to the body in a healthy way. Increased levels of health consciousness has also led to increased usage of dietary, herbal and other nutritional supplements to maintain good health.

Sports supplements (also called ergogenic aids) are products used to enhance athletic performance, most of which are available over the counter without a prescription. They are commonly available as vitamins, hormones and synthetic drugs.

Common sports nutritional supplements are:

o Anabolic steriods

o Androstenedione and DHEA

o Human Growth Hormone

o Creatine and

o Fat burners (sometimes known as thermogenics)

Lack of exercise, unhealthy food and lifestyle are sure ways to attract diseases. Given the need for instant gratification among consumers' today healthcare and nutrition supplements also provide instant solutions in the form of: snacks, bars and shakes that are compact and easy to eat. Such nutrition packed snacks can compliment your regular breakfast, lunch or replace the fatty snack.

At RBC Life Sciences, we believe you deserve the very best in healthcare products and nutritional sports products.

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Do You Need Customized Vitamins Based on Unique Health Concerns?

Customized vitamins have become a hot topic in the world of health and in the nutritional supplementation industry. Where they used to deny it vehemently 20 to 30 years ago, today the vast majority of medical doctors agree that virtually everyone needs some kind of vitamin supplementation. Perhaps our food crops' soils are too depleted from regulated misuse to infuse our modern foods with the high amount of vitamins and minerals that they once had. Perhaps we eat too many processed foods with far too much refined sugars, salts, and hydrogenated oils. Or...perhaps we are just more aware then ever before of how to acquire optimal health for living longer and with a higher quality of existence. Whatever the reason or reasons, the fact is that we need vitamin and mineral supplementation.

Now up until recently, we have had to take a broad-brush approach to this vitamin supplementation. We have amassed plenty of research that stretches back hundreds of years with many substances to tell us the general nutritional and health benefits of the different herbs, fruits, vegetables, and so on and so forth. But there has always been one glaring problem with this, as good as it is: we are each unique individuals. We are unique genetically, we are unique in our sum totality of experience, we are unique in our personalities (meaning we are unique in our total lifestyle). So these general nutritional supplements have been highly effective in some people but don't make much of a difference in others--which means that their health is not optimized while they waste their money.

With our advanced knowledge today, however, with the right testing we can create customized vitamin supplementation based on eachindividual's unique health concerns and needs. Even two individuals who are highly similar genetically or in body type and personality will still have something unique to their body's and mind's health, as subtle physiological differences, gender differences, different environments, different experiences, and different lifestyle choices all add up to a unique set of health concerns.

Imagine if there are two identical twins who were raised together in the same household, but one of them has always been a serious competitive athlete while the other has never cared to participate in sports very seriously and has been more "bookish". Do you really think that just because they are identical twins and were brought up in the same household that they now have exactly the same health concerns and nutritional needs when they are so different in at least one key part of their lifestyles? Of course they don't. The athletic twin's health concerns have been impacted in a significantly different way from the less physically active and more intellect-oriented twin's.

Customizing a vitamin supplementation package for each twin will let them each optimize their health to the greatest possible and affordable extent. Even though they are twins, they are not the same person. Even "identical" twins don't look exactly alike, let alone having the exact same health concerns. A customized vitamin option is the most sensible solution to optimizing health for all people.

Duncan Wierman applies a holistic approach to healthcare which means accepting responsibility for managing our own health, looking at long-range consequences, searching for alternative and complementary solutions,and never accepting a prescription or diagnosis without conducting further research. For more information about Customized nutrition : []

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Ultimate Nutrition

You are a sportsperson and are looking out for some excellent products to enable enhance performance. Most of these supplements are legal and they actually make up for a nutritional deficiency. As far as sports persons are concerned, it is believed that certain amino acids, proteins, caffeine etc enhance performance on the field.

There are several companies that have come up with a large range of products to suit your specific need. These supplements are not required to fulfill any FDA or food and Drug Administration standards. Hence it is important to use products that are of renowned companies like Nutrition.

Nutrition boasts of a wide range of products that work as nutritional supplements. It is not only for sports persons but also can be used as a general nutritional supplement for health conscious people. The generic types of these supplements are discussed below.

Supplements may include amino acids, caffeine, herbs, minerals, vitamins and other botanicals. Most of these supplements contain ergogenic acids that have drugs and substances to improve athletic performance. There are some that are banned by sporting organizations and illegal, hence those should be avoided. Nutrition provides a wide range of supplements, the benefits of which are discussed.

Vitamin B supplements are required to help in normal body functioning and a good level of thiamine, riboflavin, folate, vitamin B12 and B6 are believed to help in high performance. For regular marathon runners, supplements containing caffeine are believed to increase endurance and improve alertness. Supplements containing creatine are good for weight lifters, sprinting and power sports.

There are several sports drinks offered by Nutrition that is very important for good performance and overall fitness. Protein supplements are also extremely essential for sports persons since proteins are needed to rebuild and repair bones that have been broken down during exercise.

Some of the popular products of nutrition include products for longevity, weight loss, muscle gain, nutrition bars, protein energy, amino acids, sports nutrition and the like. The specialty about Nutrition products are that they taste quite good and come in different flavors. You need not close your eyes and nose and gulp it but they are quite tasty and edible. Try Ultimate Nutrition and you will not be disappointed.

Searching all over for the best bodybuilding supplement? Get the low down on Ultimate Nutrition [] now on []

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Sports and nutrition

Sports medicine or Sportsmedicine is an interdisciplinary subfield
Medicine, treatment and preventive care of athletes, both deals
Amateurs and professionals. The team includes specialty physicians and surgeons,
Athletic Trainer, physical therapists, coaches, other personnel and
Course, the athletes.

Illness or injury in sport can environmental, be caused by many factors -
physiological and psychological. Therefore sports medicine may include a
Array of specialties - cardiology, orthopedics, biomechanics,
Traumatology, etc. For example, heat, cold, or height during training and
Competition can performance change or may even be life-threatening. How about with
the female triad of disordered eating, menstrual and bone density problems, and
the pregnant or the aging athlete? In addition the management of dermatological
and endocrine diseases and other problems in the claims, athlete
Sport-specific knowledge and expertise. The use of supplements, pharmacological
or in other ways, and the themes of the doping control and gender review available
complex moral, legal and health problems.

Then there is the
certain problems relating to international sporting events, such as the
Effects of travel, acclimatization and the attempt, an athlete balance
Participation, and its and your health. Much of this is new fields of study
where is extensive clinical and basic research oversight bodies.

After all, prevention is an area of more and more expertise, interest
and know-how.

Click for more details here []

Specialized herbs, vitamins, enzymes, nutrition and weight loss and supplements

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Tips And Advice On Body Building Nutrition

Nutrition in body building is very important for anyone serious about the sport. Good nutrition is essential for a healthy life, but it is most important for a body builder to have effective workouts and grow muscles quickly and efficiently. What type of nutrition should you have to become successful in your body building quest?

You need to first have a diet that is high in protein. That means eating a lot of chicken, fish, and meat. Chicken and fish are best for you because of their low fat content. Although fats are important in body building nutrition, you still must be careful that your fat consumption does not contribute to health problems.

Another big part of healthy body building nutrition intake is to be sure that you consume lots of carbohydrates. Carbs are very important because they provide the primary energy source for our body from the foods we eat. You will need lots of energy to complete an intense workout which will build your muscles quicker and more efficiently.

Complex carbohydrates are the best carbs to take in. These can be found in foods such as whole grain rice, whole grain breads, and pasta. Be sure to take your carbohydrates with protein for maximum efficiency.

Fats are also very important in body building nutrition. Believe it or not, fats actually do good in our bodies providing insulation for body parts like the heart and lungs as well as making energy when the fats break down. Of course, you will want to consume the good fats as opposed to the bad ones so that you don't gain weight through fat intake.

Saturated fats are the worst fats to take in. These are fats like animal lard and butter. Saturated fats are those that stay solid at room temperature. Unsaturated fats are the "good fats", but they also should be consumed in moderation. Olive oil and flaxseed oil are good unsaturated fats. They stay liquid when at room temperature.

A very important fat group that can help both your body and mind are Omega 3 fatty acids that are found in fish. Omega 3 fatty acids are known to combat depression, fend off fatigue, and give you energy you need to workout.

You should also include a lot of fresh vegetables in your diet. Foods such as broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots give you many vitamins and minerals that are necessary for a healthy body. Fruit should be consumed in moderation as they naturally contain a certain amount of sugar naturally. Too much sugar can hinder your progress.

In the sport of body building, nutrition is just as important as lifting weights and exercising. Getting good nutrition is essential for an effective body building routine. Eat what's good for you and what your body needs without over-indulging too much. Then sit back and watch your body grow!

Cazza Bourke is a full time aerobics instructer in Las Vegas. In her spare time she writes articles and guides for various website and online publications. You can visit one of her websites about Body Building Nutrition [] and supplements


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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Sports nutrition in 5 simple layers

Glamour Of Nutritional Supplements

Nutrition is a high tech business with millions of pounds of research being spent on the latest ergogenic aides, but for most people getting the basics of nutrition right will reward them with maximised sports performance, healthy weight loss and body, and a robust immune system. Unfortunately the basics on nutrition are often not met, being eclipsed by high tech products such as creatine, HMB, weight loss tablets such as Proactol, Zotrim or Alli, or the plethora of weight loss and fitness supplements that are marketed to us.

A common mistake made by those looking for improved sports performance, weight loss or health is to look for a supplement to do the job. People concern themselves with exotic products rather than addressing the basics first.

Hierarchy Of Nutritional Needs

Considering nutritional needs to be a hierarchy of needs is a good way to develop a successful nutritional strategy. You may be aware of food pyramids - the ones you learn in cookery at school, or the ones found on sites such as the Good Food Guide - but these have some fundamental flaws in them (for another blog post). Consider the pyramid to have a wide base representing the most fundamental of nutritional needs, and an narrowing towards the top representing nutrients that are gradually more specialist towards the top. The more specialist needs we see at the top should only be considered once the fundamental base needs have been met.

Base Layer 1 - The Fundamentals: The basic needs of nutrition can be met by including a balance of the macronutrients carbohydrates, fat and protein. The balance will vary with your lifestyle requirements and body type. Essential to get the system working is water and fibre, both soluble and insoluble. These will largely be met if you consume lean meats, fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds and fish. Limit your intake of sugar and refined grains which are considered to be anti-nutrients and actually contribute no nutritional value apart from energy, yet use up resources in the process. Add protective and micro-nutrient rich foods such as variety of colourful fruits and vegetables. Try to include raw or lightly cooked foods as the nutrient content may become denatured by intense heat.

Layer 2 - Protection:

Part of life is oxidation, and this is part of exercise too. As a metal car rusts so do we, and when we talk of anti-oxidants we are usually considering ways of limiting or repairing the damage caused by the aerobic nature of our body functions - free radicals affect our health and well being. Once the fundamentals are established you can consider tweaking your micro-nutrient needs to include anti-oxidants that are essential in combating free radical damage to the body including immune system.

Consider the fruit and vegetables you do consume according to their anti-oxidant content. The richer in anti-oxidants the better able to combat the oxidative stresses placed on the body by air pollution and intense exercise, both of which place damage on the cells of the body. Taking a broad spectrum multivitamin may add to the daily protection from free radical oxidation, and a regular intake of omega 3 oils, through foods or supplement form will also help.

Below is a table of high antioxidant food types. Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) is a method of measuring antioxidant capacities in biological samples. The higher the ORAC the more antioxidants are available. (US Dept. Agriculture; Brunswick Laboratories; JACS)


70% cocoa solid dark chocolate 13500

Pomegranate 10500

Dried prunes 5770

Red delicious apples 4270

Raisins 2830

Kale 2410

Blueberries 2400

Garlic 2320

Blackberries 2040

Spinach 1700

Brussels sprouts 1580

Strawberries 1540

Alfalfa sprouts 1450

Broccoli flowers 1290

Raspberries 1220

Beets 1170

Plums 949

Red bell peppers 810

oranges 750

Corn 720

Cherries 670

Onion 560

Eggplant 510

Cauliflower 510

Cabbage 480

Potato 460

Sweet potato 430

Leaf Lettuce 410

String Bean 390

Carrot 340

Yellow squash 280

Iceberg lettuce 230

Tomato 195

Celery 130

Cucumber 110

Layer 3 - Fueling For Sport - Real Food

Now you have a good general diet, an availability of macronutrients and micronutrients and a consideration of how best to protect our body from free radicals for health and immunity, it is time to consider what and when is best to eat. Also an optimum hydration strategy will be useful for those performing exercise - whether for sports or weight loss.

Fluid needs are closely linked to air temperature and humidity, plus the intensity and duration of your exercise. If exercising aim to begin fully hydrated - a guide is to keep your urine a light straw colour, and re-hydrate immediately post workout. If you weight yourself pre and post workout, add the mass of the fluid you consumed during the exercise to the difference between pre and post workout weights. Aim to consume 1.5 times this figure.

Example; pre workout 75kg, post workout 74kg, drinks 500ml during workout = 0.5kg so a difference of 1.5kg. It is therefore advised to consume 2.25l fluids post workout.

Fueling your sports from food is also essential. I recommend making a daily 500kcal deficit if you are trying to lose weight. If you use 1000kcal during a workout it is therefore useful to eat accordingly, so you do not have too much of a calorie deficit, and you do not overeat.

If you are like me and love to eat carbohydrates it is best to consume them pre and post workout as you are highly insulin sensitive during and up to 2 hours post exercise, particularly if your training consists of high intensity intervals or resistance exercises. However for best weight loss I suggest you stick to whole grain and vegetable sources of carbohydrates, and avoid sugar.

For athletes my advice is different in that you are not trying to create a calorie deficit. More focus is on recovery for the next session. You should therefore consume your carbohydrates during and after exercise as this is when your body will best use it - absorbing it like a sponge and maximising your recovery and boosting your immune system. If you burn 1000kcal in training aim to replace this with real food during your session - cereal bars, flap jacks and dried fruit. Post workout try to include protein with your meal, whether it is in a milk shake, bowl of cereal or meat and veg meal. Aim to consume a proper meal within 2 hours post exercise and have a snack within 15mins of exercise.

Layer 4 - Fueling For Sport - Sports Nutrition

Firstly I have to say that if you are after weight loss avoid sports drinks at all cost. They are essentially sugar and will do your weight loss efforts no good at all, will make it difficult to create a calorie deficit, and will make it difficult for your body to access fat stores for energy if an available source of sugar is present to use.

My advice for athletes is to use sports drinks to enhance your sport. Although nutrition and hydration needs can be met through food and water such as dried fruit, cereal bars etc, there are benefits of using special sports drinks. They provide a ready source of easily assimilated energy which is essential if exercising for over 1hour in a bike or run race. The stress on the gastric system is minimised and in the case of electrolyte drinks the essential minerals lost in sweat are replaced. The lack of fibre in sports drinks is also beneficial in longer races such as marathon or long course triathlon.

Recently a series of protein:carbohydrate drinks for use during training have been launched. These are particularly useful for sessions or races over 3h in duration as the branched chain amino acids (BCAA) that are catabolised in muscle during endurance events are 'saved' by the available BCAA in the sports drink.

Recovery drinks are also a revolution in the quest for swift recovery. In the field, recovery drinks allow athletes to consume a meal within the 15minute window of opportunity bu drinking a 2:1 carbohydrate to protein drink, that often contains vitamins and minerals too. This 15 minutes post race or training session is so crucial due to the ability of the body to use the materials we provide it. We are highly insulin sensitive, and any protein we consume with the carbohydrate will have the extra insulin to deliver it to where it is needed - the muscle - where repair will take place and glycogen will be replenished.

Layer 5 - Ergogenic Aids

If you have the first 4 levels of the hierarchy of nutrition needs sorted then it may be beneficial to invest in some supplements such as creatine, beta-alanine, caffeine or HMB, and depending on your sport each of these may or may not be beneficial. However if you have not fully adopted the principles of real food and sports nutrition there is no way that you will be able to rely on a supplement to realise your potential. Unfortunately as with everything, there are no short cuts and although it may take time and effort the gains you will get from real food and hydration will far outweigh the gains from the specialist supplements mentioned - even if their adverts promise otherwise. It is essential to walk before you can run when it comes to nutrition, and to get the building blocks in place before trying supplements is the key to success.

Personal Trainer Nico Valla specialises in helping people with busy lives get fit quickly, increase their confidence and tackle their big inspiring goals such as their first marathon, 10k, triathlon or ironman.

Nico has developed a pack of training advice and resources to help you get fitter. These are available for free, so if you wish to get much fitter very quickly then go and redeem your pack at

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Defining Your Nutritional Goals For Your Sports Requirements

Die Zuständigkeiten der eine professionelle Athleten können so anspruchsvoll wie die Verantwortung von jedem Unternehmen Professional, und obwohl die Job-Funktionen ganz unähnlich sind, jede Karriere erfordert eine Menge von hoher Energie konzentrieren und Investitionen um erfolgreich zu sein. Aber wenn Sie ein wenig näher betrachten diese Bereiche finden Sie einen gemeinsamen Faktor in ihre Bedürfnisse, sowohl das ist die Notwendigkeit für die richtige Ernährung und Gesundheit.

Eine gesamte Beruf, Sporternährung, ist jetzt gewidmet, damit Menschen ihre Spitze geistigen und körperlichen Fähigkeiten aufrechtzuerhalten. Dies geschieht entweder durch intensive Gymnastik Training, immer in Höchstzustand für Sport-Wettbewerbe, oder Monitor Fitness während hohe sportliche Veranstaltungen helfen. Natürlich, alle Gruppen von Fachleuten Athleten erkennen wie wichtig gute Ernährung ist, vor allem, ihnen geben eine zusätzliche Schneide für Wettbewerb, Fähigkeit und Ausgabe, und natürlich, ein großes Maß an Gesundheit in ihrem täglichen Leben.

Nicht jeder Sportler ist scharf, nutzen Sie die Vorteile der Sportbranche Ernährung, noch auch anerkennen, dass es einen deutlichen Unterschied macht, obwohl am Ende verlieren, weil das Niveau des Wettbewerbs im Sport immer zunimmt. Jeder ist stets bemüht, für Top-Position und um das zu erreichen erfordert ernährungswissenschaftlichen Kenntnisse von Lebensmitteln und Ergänzungen, die je nach den Sport oder Aktivität unterschiedlich.

Es hängt von dem Sport und der benötigten Ausgabe, welche Art und Weise Ernährungsberatung in Richtung verlaufende wird, denn was für einen Athleten in einer Sportart funktioniert in der Tat zu den Ergebnissen schädlich sein kann, und Fähigkeiten eines anderen Athleten in einem anderen Sport. Ob Empfehlungen für Zucker oder Kohlenhydrate, es ist wichtig zu wissen, welche Sportarten die Ernährung Ansatz für die besten Ergebnisse erfordern.

Es ist wichtig für ein Sportler zu tun, einige Grundlagen und Untersuchung seinen Sport Expertise und entdecken genau was Ernährung Ansatz wird ihn am besten auszustatten. Er muss wissen, was zu vermeiden, was Sie suchen auf Etiketten und ob macht Bars oder Sport Getränke wirklich gehen, ihn zu profitieren. Der qualifiziertesten Professional ist die Ernährungsberaterin, wie sie zu beraten und Kenntnisse entsprechend der spezifischen Bedürfnisse und Ziele ausgestattet sind, und wissen werden, was gebraucht wird, um zu aktivieren beste Leistung, sogar bei der Einrichtung der Zeitplan für die Mahlzeiten und Snacks für optimale Ergebnisse.

Einschiffung auf diesem Weg und wirklich die beste Ernährung für Ihre sportlichen Anforderungen festschreiben wird einen Preisschild angeschlossen haben, und zunächst es mag für Sie, dass die Investition erforderlich mehr als Sie erwartet wird. So kann es lohnt sich der Suche nach einige billigeren Alternativen, mit denen Sie noch können Ihre Ernährung Ziele erfüllen, aber nicht Sie die Welt in den Prozess.

Egal welche Ernährung wählen Sie, Sie müssen in den meisten Fällen einen Ofen, es zu kochen.

Terje Brooks hat geschrieben Artikel online seit vielen Jahren und er liebt es zu schreiben, Lebensmittel, Gesundheit & Fitness, Heim und Familie Fragen zu anderen Themen. Werfen Sie einen Blick auf seine Doppel Gas-Backofen -Seite und lesen Sie einige Öfen zum Verkauf Bewertungen sowie zusätzliche Küche-Backofen-Informationen.

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Nutrition for health and fitness

Newly married and planning of the meals, which will take into account your man's health? If he is overweight and error-prone, high blood pressure, you can concentrate rich in omega-3 fatty acids in nutrition. Nutrition for health and fitness for you and your hubby should be easy to plan with lots of help from health magazines and online resources and good advice from well-meaning friends and relatives.

If you have a master's degree in nutrition, you need read all help get you can as much as you can and all natural products for quality nutritional supplement stores the visit. Clinical studies show that oil supplements regular intake of fish can significantly lower blood pressure in patients with untreated hypertension.

While you are additions for you and your hubby shopping for premium quality, you can add also fibre and chrome. Fiber supplements such as psyllium and chitin can help your husband's weight loss efforts, such as it, a person can be feel fully and to promote removal of fat from the body. There are also supplements that fat-fighting ingredients formulated to lose weight, the natural manner weight-challenged help people combine. Proper medical advice is still essential.

In fact, supplements or actual food sources of Omega-3 fatty acids to the longevity contribute. An interesting fact about fish is that nutrition experts say, that for every gram of Omega-3 fatty acid-laden fish you eat, you need around six grams of plant foods (such as flax seeds and walnuts), to your body of the equivalent of the EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid) and DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid) offer. In other words, must reap the health benefits of plant foods, first convert your liver alpha-linolenic acid, EPA and DHA.

In particular, you and your husband should confront unhealthy eating habits such as crash diets & binge drinking. Study shows that alcohol binge drinking can be harmful effects on the blood pressure levels. If you need to drink during social occasions, opt for red wine, such as Resveratrol, combined with better health.

Once you and your husband are fit and healthy, you should see a doctor also recommended fitness plan to further improve of your blood pressure and levels of weight-loss start. Includes additions on a regular basis that will help your muscles work, again faster and harder, so that you have a greater benefits from the workouts.

As to support your man shed you try pounds, spice up your everyday meals with Cayenne, ginger and cinnamon, its metabolism increase. Consume green tea, it also contains the antioxidant catechins which can strengthen nutrition for health and fitness. Let sue for your custody, enjoy a Cup after each meal as part of the planning nutrition for health and fitness.

If you want information on this topic, take a look at sports nutrition supplements and liquid vitamins and minerals.

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If You Exercise and You Sweat, Sports Nutritional Supplements Are Your Best Training Partner

Sweating, without replacing all the lost nutrients is practically suicide! And if you think that sugar-flavoured and multi-coloured 'sports water' is going to do the trick, then think again.

Pretty hard words - but consider this: training, sport and 'sweating it out' make you feel great and are a terrific way to develop both physically and mentally. However here's an important tip, if you think that training and sport without taking sports nutritional supplements will help you live longer . . . think again.

When you sweat, you're not just sweating out salt and water or Gatorade for that matter. Sweat contains everything in your blood - more than 60 different minerals, rare trace minerals, vitamins, electrolytes and amino acids.

Most cheap and well known sports drinks, even with healthy eating, are just not enough to replace everything you lose which means that if you don't put back these nutrients you are very likely to develop a nutritional deficiency disease.

Sports drinks are supposed to replace nutrients lost during exertion, however most contain nothing more than sugar, salt, potassium and food coloring.

An easily recognized and common early warning sign of nutrient deficiency is that tired and burned out feeling. Most of us just try harder until we become completely exhausted, chronically fatigued and unable to train. This situation can be easily corrected with correct sports nutritional supplementation.

According to the Centre for Disease Control in the US, each year over 100,000 people from youngsters to professional athletes die suddenly during exercise and sporting events, or immediately after. Out of these, 30-35% die of a ruptured aneurysm (which is where you lose major blood volume from a break in an artery) and over 65% die of a cardiomyopathy heart attack.

According to Naturopath and author, Dr Joel Wallach, the veterinary industry has known since the late 1950's that the cause of a ruptured aneurysm is a copper deficiency and the cause of cardiomyopathy heart attack is a selenium deficiency.

Here are some other facts about sport and health:

o Evander Holyfield was once banned from boxing because of his heart condition and after his physician put him on a selenium sports nutritional supplement he soon passed his cardiogram and went back into boxing.

o James Fixx wrote books telling everyone about the benefits of running for your health . . and died at 52 from a heart attack.

o Leonard Hilton ran the sub 4-minute mile 32 times and followed the teachings of James Fixx and also died at the age of 52.

o An increasing number of professional athletes need to quit their sport because of joint problems and frequently have joint replacement surgery.

Sports Nutritional Supplements - The Right Ones Will Extend Your Sporting Life

The bottom line is you need to put back the nutrients you're losing. While most people, especially professional athletes, are aware they need to put back some of the things they're sweating out, they need to make sure that they're using a source that is highly absorbable and contains the complete spectrum of nutrients.

Unless you're using a source of highly absorbable minerals, trace minerals, vitamins, essential fatty acids and amino acids, you're not going to be able to sustain your health and longevity and you'll eventually suffer one or a number of deficiency diseases, from damaged bones and joints to a heart attack.

Sports nutritional supplements should consist of plant derived liquid minerals, additional liquid calcium and essential minerals, vitamins, amino acids, essential fatty acids and health supplements which support the bones and joints.


Paul Newland is a health writer, sports training consultant and martial arts instructor and manages the website. He is the author of numerous health information books and guides, including the Wellness Report, The Ultimate Antioxidant Report, The Selenium Report, The Bird Flu Report, The Ultimate Nutrient Guide and The Essential Fatty Acid Report and The Ultimate Sports Nutrition Guide - available Free (for a limited time) through []

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Steamist TSS-CL AudioSense Classic Exposed Speakers, White

Steamist TSS-CL AudioSense Classic Exposed Speakers, WhiteYou can enjoy your favorite music in the steam shower from your iPod or any other audio source. AudioSense uses a special wall-mount 'dock' for your iPod, wired to your choice of 'Classic' or 'Invisible' speakers that mount out of sight and transmit sound through the wall. Features (EachSpeaker) 2 year parts warranty Max power: 100W Impedance: 8 Ohms Waterproof cone 5 1/4' 2-way in-wall White body and trim with white grill Outside diameter: 8' Grill size: 6 1/4' In-wall depth: 3'Package includes: (2) TSS-CL classic speakers (2) 25 ft. lengths of speaker wire (2)Silicone sealant

Price: $240.00

Click here to buy from Amazon

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Homedics BL-300 JetSpa Footbath

Homedics BL-300 JetSpa Footbath
  • Super quiet bubbles
  • Four powerful jets
  • Easy Tote handle
  • Spinning pedicure with 3 jumbo attachments

    Price: $59.99

    Click here to buy from Amazon

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  • Beautiful Ribbed Ladies Wrap Pink, 100% cotton velour. (299960)

    Beautiful Ribbed Ladies Wrap Pink, 100% cotton velour. (299960)Ribbed Ladies Wrap-Pink, 100% Cotton Velour, Machine washable


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    Homedics BL-300 JetSpa Footbath

    Homedics BL-300 JetSpa Footbath
  • Super quiet bubbles
  • Four powerful jets
  • Easy Tote handle
  • Spinning pedicure with 3 jumbo attachments

    Price: $59.99

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  • Revlon RVS112 Spa MoistureStay Ionic Hot/Cold Facial Sauna

    Revlon RVS112 Spa MoistureStay Ionic Hot/Cold Facial SaunaPack the moisture into your skin and steam the impurities out with the Revlon MoistureStay Ionic Hot/Cold Facial Sauna. Ultra-fine vapor is mixed with negative ions, which break down the water molecules so they're small enough to penetrate your skin. The warm steam opens your pores for deep cleansing, and cool mist closes them after your facial. A special inhaler cone helps clear nasal passages and is great for when you feel a stuffy nose coming on. The unit's easy to use: Simply fill the water reservoirs using the measuring cup, select hot/cold/ionizer then set the timer to determine the length of your treatment. The sauna automatically shuts off when the timer rings out.


    * Negative ions help moisturize skin
    * Warm steam opens pores for deep cleansing
    * Cool mist closes pores
    * Inhaler cone clears nasal passages
    * Timer, auto shutoff


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    Tie-Dye Peace Beach, Bath, Pool, Sauna Towel, Perfect for laying your whole body on the sand. Fiber Reactive. 30in x 60in (104983)

    Tie-Dye Peace Beach, Bath, Pool, Sauna Towel, Perfect for laying your whole body on the sand. Fiber Reactive. 30in x 60in (104983)Woodstock era design. Fiber Reactive printed beach towel. Beautiful fade resistant colors to enhance your comfort and enjoyment. You can safely machine wash a towel that has been dyed in bright fiber reactive colors.

    Price: $20.00

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    Friday, December 9, 2011

    Funny Frogs Beach, Bath, Pool Towel. Perfect for laying on the sand. (101257)

    Funny Frogs Beach, Bath, Pool Towel. Perfect for laying on the sand. (101257)Whimsical frog motif. Fiber Reactive printed beach towel. Beautiful fade resistant colors to enhance your comfort and enjoyment. You can safely machine wash a towel that has been dyed in bright fiber reactive colors.


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    Teak Towel Rack, Indoor Outdoor, Bathroom, Pool

    Teak Towel Rack, Indoor Outdoor, Bathroom, PoolMake sure to order the original manufacturer direct AQUA TEAK towel rack which is stained, sanded, angular, and looks professional. Do not confuse this product with cheap imitations and knock offs. A classy solid teak 3 rung towel stand. A sturdy lower shelf allows storage of other toiletries, extra towels, pool gear, pool toys, or anything else. Hang towels indoor or outdoor. This product is manufactured from 100% solid plantation teak. It is not made of bamboo, or other cheap teak imitation woods. Only genuine teak wood has a life expectancy of 75 years if left untreated due to its natural rubber content that naturally resists moisture. No other wood compares to Teak when it comes to durability, elegance, stability and low maintenance. We only use wood from plantations, farm grown with no direct impact on the natural environment. Size: 23" wide x 34" tall x 11" deep.


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    Mr. Steam 103813 Energizing Mint Essential Oil, 10 mL

    Mr. Steam 103813 Energizing Mint Essential Oil, 10 mLOil Scent :Energizing Mint Pure essential oils made from natural plant extracts Packaged as individual 10ml bottles with integral dropper. For use with Mr. Steam Aromasteam steamhead. Also available as a 5-pack, which includes one of each fragrance.

    Price: $25.00

    Click here to buy from Amazon

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    Men's Body Wrap-Navy, 100% Cotton, Machine washable (301023)

    Men's Body Wrap-Navy, 100% Cotton, Machine washable (301023)100% Cotton terry. Uses a velcro closure and a convenient pocket.
    One size fits most, 23" long x 43" width (stretched). Machine washable.


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    Holistic Thailand

    Holistic ThailandWhat can we do to recharge our batteries, revitalize both our mind and body, returning home or back to work feeling fresh-faced and ready once more to tackle all life's daily challenges?

    Drag your fatigued body to one of Thailand's wealth of distinctly designed and professionally staffed spas. Fusing the best of ancient local holistic practices with the latest in modem amenities, a visit to a Thai spa is truly a supreme pampering experience, delivering heavenly comforts unrivaled anywhere else. Tired and rundown, walking into one of the top-class health resorts -the exotic tranquil settings, and range of hands-on rejuvenating treatments on offer - is guaranteed to restore your health, tune your body, and leave you in a state of utter bliss.

    Visiting a spa was once considered a rare luxury that only the rich could afford, but now, thanks to increased awareness, as well as greater competition, spas have become an extremely affordable indulgence, popular with all ages and social status.

    Price: $0.99

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    Portable Therapeutic Steam Sauna Spa Detox-Weight Loss, SS01

    Portable Therapeutic Steam Sauna Spa Detox-Weight Loss, SS01This is a brand new EZ setup Foldable Portable Herbal Steam Sauna Box. With this amazing sauna box, you can enjoy a comfortable keep fit program all year round! Lose weight without exercise! You can also add some herb or aroma essential oil, such as lavender, chamomile, or angelica into the steam pot to have a wonderful DIY herbal sauna for more relaxation.

    * Large Size (29" W x 27 1/2" D x 38" H)
    * Easy set up and fold away after treatment for space saving
    * High quality steamer with auto-turn off when water level is low for safety purpose.

    Detail Description:
    * Brand New in Retail Packaging
    * Lose Weight (calories)
    * Remove Toxin
    * Relieve Pain
    * Strengthen Cardiovascular System
    * Reduce Stress, Fatigue and Energizes
    * Strengthen Your Immune System
    * Control Excessive Leucorrhoea (PMS, Yeast)
    * Zipper for entrance.
    * Zippers for hands allow you to put out your hands to read during treatment.

    Package Includes:
    * One Foldable Tent
    * One Steam Pot
    * One Hose


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    New Deluxe X-large Home Infrared FIR Portable Sauna Detox Loss Weight Silver

    New Deluxe X-large Home Infrared FIR Portable Sauna Detox Loss Weight Silver
    • No trouble of waiting for boiling water.
    • No worry about the steam will hurt your skin.
    • No tired exercise but sweating and weight losing!
    • Free Gifts: Portable Folding Chair and Foot Massager.

    Detail Description:

    • Color: Silver
    • Brand New in Retail Packaging
    • Power: 650W,110v US standard
    • Neck Cover to keep hermetical when warm-up.
    • Zipper for entrance.
    • Zippers for hands let you can put out your hands to read when doing sauna.
    • Pockets for remote control and power supply
    • Removable cover with zipper can be taken off to wash.
    • Large far infrared ray heat board for fast and constant temperature
    • New Technology: Three super conductive heating elements coated with heat activated FIR material
    • Temperature Setting: 6 levels from 40 centigrade(104 Fahrenheit degree) to 65 centigrade (149 Fahrenheit degree).
    • Timer: 5-30 minutes
    • Easy Set Up in 1 Minute

    Package Include:

    • 1x Portable FAR Sauna with remote control
    • 1x Folding Chair
    • 1x Foot Massager
    • 1x Manual (Please read before using!)


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    Personalized Spa Wrap

    Personalized Spa WrapOur Cotton Waffle Women's Spa Wrap is perfect for stepping out of the shower, taking a dip in the pool, and even making your own personal spa day. It has an adjustable velcro closure for an easy and custom fit. They make perfect gifts for friends and family!

    Initial choice: A B C D E F G H J K L M N P R S T W

    Colors: Fushica with lime, Lime with Fuschia, Chocolate with Tr. Blue, and Tr. Blue with Chocolate


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    Far Infrared FIR Portable Foldable Spa Sauna Detox Ion, SI01

    Far Infrared FIR Portable Foldable Spa Sauna Detox Ion, SI01NOTE: This portable sauna is Far Infrared sauna, not the ordinary steam sauna. It adopts Conductive Far Infrared Ray Carbon Fiber Heating Element for 3 Walls Panel.

    The most important is Far Infrared Ray has many and many benefits for your health. Please see the following description.

    Dry Heat -Slimming- Detoxifying - Energizing - Beautifying - A Feeling of Well-Being!!!!!
    ? FIR Sauna Heat Therapy allows increase blood circulation to carry great amounts of nutrients to the skin, thus promoting healthy tone, texture and mild cleansing of the skin.
    Low Operating Cost - approximately $0.08 for 30 minutes use. VERY SIMPLE TO USE NO INSTRUCTIONS NECESSARY - JUST USE HAND CONTROLS



    A: Hand-held controller
    B: FIR heating panel
    C: foldaway chair
    D: Two wooden supporting poles
    E: Wooden Foot massage


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    Thursday, December 8, 2011

    Tie Dye Beach Towel Tote Bag w/straps. 80% Cotton/20% Poly. (707866-PNK)

    Tie Dye Beach Towel Tote Bag w/straps. 80% Cotton/20% Poly. (707866-PNK)Tie Dye Tote Bag with straps, 80% Cotton 20% Poly.
    Perfect for the Beach or school, can be used as a backpack.


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    52" Waffle Shawl Robe-White, 100% Cotton. (302922)

    52A beautiful white 100% cotton waffle shawl robe. 52" Long, full length sleeves and double pockets.
    Machine washable.


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    Homedics Facial Refrsh Warm Mist Sauna

    Homedics Facial Refrsh Warm Mist SaunaRejuvenating Warm Mist. Adjustable Steam Control. Quick Heat Up. Angled Mask with Soft-Touch Edging. Dry Shut-Off

    Price: $25.79

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    Mr. Steam 103810 Eucalyptus Essential Oil, 10 mL

    Mr. Steam 103810 Eucalyptus Essential Oil, 10 mLOil Scent :Eucalyptus Pure essential oils made from natural plant extracts Packaged as individual 10ml bottles with integral dropper. For use with Mr. Steam Aromasteam steamhead. Also available as a 5-pack, which includes one of each fragrance.

    Price: $25.00

    Click here to buy from Amazon

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    Redwood Drink Holder Finish: Red

    Redwood Drink Holder Finish: RedDC-Red Finish: Red Constructed from top quality select grade California Redwood, a renewable resource, the innovative design of the Redwood Drink Holder will transform your spa or outdoor area into an attractive and functional haven for family and friends. Modular surrounds and outdoor furniture are simple to assemble with maximum flexibility in mind. Features: -Includes drink holder only. -Constructed of California Redwood. -Finished with EPA approved Super Deck Transparent Stain that seals and protects the wood against the evils of water, UV light, and mildew. -Comes with two brackets for easy docking. -All Fasteners are Ruspert Coated, 1000 Salt Spray-rated, and will not corrode or discolor product. -Made in the USA. -Overall Dimensions: 5.5'' H x 23.25'' W.


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    Sony ICF-CD73W AM/FM/Weather Shower CD Clock Radio - White

    Sony ICF-CD73W AM/FM/Weather Shower CD Clock Radio - WhiteCompact Footprint CD Shower Radio : vertical design takes up minimal space 20 Station Presets (10FM/5AM/5Weather) : provides convenient one-button tuning to your choice of AM/FM/Weather Bands Splash Resistant : makes this an ideal radio to have in the bathroom, shower, spa, or sauna. Battery Operation Allows Portable Use (up to 15 Hours Continuous Playback)2 : 4 C-size batteries will allow true portability when using this CD radio. (batteries not included) CD-R/RW Playback3 : Plays all CD-R/RW discs burned either in a PC or a home recording deck. Create custom mixes from your existing music collection and always have the right music at hand. 5 Direct Access(TM) Buttons : lets you access your favorite radio stations with the touch of a button. Shuttle Dial Operation : speeds tuning of radio Frequency as well as time and alarm settings. LCD Display : is highly visible even in darkness. Digital Clock : with large high Contrast Display that shows exact Current time and number of pre-set ra...

    Price: $69.95

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    Redwood Drink Holder Finish: Coastal Gray

    Redwood Drink Holder Finish: Coastal GrayDC-Coastal Gray Finish: Coastal Gray Constructed from top quality select grade California Redwood, a renewable resource, the innovative design of the Redwood Drink Holder will transform your spa or outdoor area into an attractive and functional haven for family and friends. Modular surrounds and outdoor furniture are simple to assemble with maximum flexibility in mind. Features: -Includes drink holder only. -Constructed of California Redwood. -Finished with EPA approved Super Deck Transparent Stain that seals and protects the wood against the evils of water, UV light, and mildew. -Comes with two brackets for easy docking. -All Fasteners are Ruspert Coated, 1000 Salt Spray-rated, and will not corrode or discolor product. -Made in the USA. -Overall Dimensions: 5.5'' H x 23.25'' W.


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    FLOATING Wireless WATERPROOF Pool hot tub spa music Speaker Ipod

    FLOATING Wireless WATERPROOF Pool hot tub spa music Speaker IpodDon't you hate it when you get in the water and can't hear your favorite song? Music is the perfect addition to any summer pool or anytime hot tub celebration! Now you have a way to "float' the speaker right in the water with you so you can hear the music from up to 150 feet away from the source!


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    ERE DU SPA: Sauna quiétude

    ERE DU SPA: Sauna quiétudeOur products are made by WholesaleTeak and shipped by WholesaleTeak. We at Wholesale Teak take pride in offering quality products to our customers and perform level best service. Our multi-purpose Table can be used as a stool or as a side table. Constructed by hand of sustainably harvested premium grade Indonesian teak. Hard wearing and impervious to sun, rain, frost or snow. Weathers to teak's hallmark silver gray. Assembly: **SHIPS FULLY ASSEMBLED** Please double check your space with the dimensions of the product to make sure it fits to avoid returns and return shipping fees. If you receive this product in knockdown or partially assembled condition please report us and we will refund your money in full.


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    Wednesday, December 7, 2011

    Geckos Beach, Bath, Pool, Sauna Towel, 100% Cotton. Perfect for laying on the sand. 30in x 60in (105055)

    Geckos Beach, Bath, Pool, Sauna Towel, 100% Cotton. Perfect for laying on the sand. 30in x 60in (105055)100% Cotton Fiber Reactive printed beach towel. Beautiful fade resistant colors to enhance your comfort and enjoyment. You can safely machine wash a towel that has been dyed in bright fiber reactive colors.


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    12 kW Steam Bath Generators

    12 kW Steam Bath GeneratorsFino 2012 steam generators offer unparalleled performance. Unlike many other steam generator manufacturers that offer twin tank heating technology, Fino offers fast efficient single tank technology that power steam through industrial grade heating elements which are ideal for heavy steam use. This saves in electricity cost by not having to constantly have to heat a separate tank. Fino steam generators have proven to be one of the most reliable steam generators on the market today.

    The Fino Steam Generator is a COMPLETE package. The finest options are ALL INCLUDED in this kit to enjoy a warm and comforting steam bath.

    Fino stands behind their product with a limited lifetime factory warranty so you can rest assured that your investment will be protected.


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    Homedics Facial Refrsh Warm Mist Sauna

    Homedics Facial Refrsh Warm Mist SaunaRejuvenating Warm Mist. Adjustable Steam Control. Quick Heat Up. Angled Mask with Soft-Touch Edging. Dry Shut-Off

    Price: $25.79

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    Panasonic EH2511A Pore Cleanser with Micro-fine Mist

    Panasonic EH2511A Pore Cleanser with Micro-fine MistPanasonic Pore Cleanser. Wet/Dry and Rechargeable. Use in the shower or at the bathroom sink. Just rinse clean under water for a quick and easy clean up. Allows for smooth movement of suction cup over the skin to remove dirt and oil from the pores. Ultra slim design allows suction cup to focus in on hard-to-reach areas around the nose. Simply reverse the suction cup to cover larger areas of your face. Ideal to use at the start of your skincare program. Cleans deep below the surface for clear, beautiful skin. Clinically effective for skin toning. Refines appearance of large pores. Measurements: 7.6" L x 1.9" W x 3.5" H Weight: 0.7 lbs.

    Price: $59.99

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    Saunas and Spas [VHS]

    In this videotape, Dean Johnson and JoAnne Liebeler take you step-by-step through two different home improvement projects: installing a portable spa in an outdoor deck and building a sauna in a basement setting. Explains 1) Permanent Spas and Portable Spas 2) It's Not a Hot Tub 3) Choosing A Portable Spa 4) Where to Put a Portable Spa 5) Electrical Requirements For a Portable Spa 6) Installing a Portable Spa 7) Starting and Maintaining a Portable Spa 8) Checking your Local Codes 9) Personal Safety in Saunas and Spas 10) Pre-Fab Kits 11) Custom Cut Kits 11) Where To Put Sauna 12) The Sauna Heater 13) Wiring the Sauna Heater 14) Sauna Ventilation 15) Sauna Rocks 16) Framing A New Sauna 17) Insulating a New Sauna 18) Lining a New Sauna 19) Tips From the Pros

    Price: $14.95

    Click here to buy from Amazon

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    THE KOALA BARES Loxie & Zoot Nudist & Naturist Comics Like Archie Series Bears

    THE KOALA BARES Loxie & Zoot Nudist & Naturist Comics Like Archie Series BearsJust in time for Spring & Summer ! The 128 Page Glossy Coffee Table Book For Nudists and Family Friendly people alike... Much like the Archie Series - Only NUDE ! Betty & Veronica, look out !

    The FUN Book where People of Color - different Shapes and Sizes ENJOY LIFE AU NATURALE.

    Looking for some relaxing pool side reading? Need a nudist-oriented gift? Wanting to pass around the nude fun to internet-less friends and family? Here's just the thing for your bookshelf or coffee table...!

    Loxie & Zoot: The Koala Bares

    Full colour, glossy toons

    Features all 120 pages of The Koala Bares - Loxie and Zoot's first adventure !

    Plus a Potted History of Loxie and Zoot - 4 pages with rare pics of early Loxie & Zoot material.

    Square bound trade paper back [17 x 24cm] (approx. 7" x 9-1/2")

    Naturists generally have an open and healthy attitude towards their bodies and prefer to enjoy life, when and where possible, without clothing.

    The philosophy is that the human body, in and of itself, is not offensive. Hopefully most people will accept the nudity in this comic book for what it is... a depiction of a natural way of life without lewd sensationalism. In the final wash it's all just meant to be a bit of fun anyway. :)

    Anyone looking for pornography won't find any. All nudity is depicted without undue emphasis on any part of the body, There are no sexual references or intentional double entendres.


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    Tie Dye Beach Towel Tote Bag w/straps. 80% Cotton/20% Poly. (707866-AQU)

    Tie Dye Beach Towel Tote Bag w/straps. 80% Cotton/20% Poly. (707866-AQU)Tie Dye Tote Bag with straps, 80% Cotton 20% Poly.
    Perfect for the Beach or school, can be used as a backpack.


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    ERE DU SPA: Sauna quiétude

    ERE DU SPA: Sauna quiétudeOur products are made by WholesaleTeak and shipped by WholesaleTeak. We at Wholesale Teak take pride in offering quality products to our customers and perform level best service. Our multi-purpose Table can be used as a stool or as a side table. Constructed by hand of sustainably harvested premium grade Indonesian teak. Hard wearing and impervious to sun, rain, frost or snow. Weathers to teak's hallmark silver gray. Assembly: **SHIPS FULLY ASSEMBLED** Please double check your space with the dimensions of the product to make sure it fits to avoid returns and return shipping fees. If you receive this product in knockdown or partially assembled condition please report us and we will refund your money in full.


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    Project Guide - Saunas and Spas (How-To Video Guide - Special Edition)

    Project Guide - Saunas and Spas (How-To Video Guide - Special Edition)In this videotape, Dean Johnson and JoAnne Liebeler take you step-by-step through two different home improvement projects: installing a portable spa in an outdoor deck and building a sauna in a basement setting. Explains 1) Permanent Spas and Portable Spas 2) It's Not a Hot Tub 3) Choosing A Portable Spa 4) Where to Put a Portable Spa 5) Electrical Requirements For a Portable Spa 6) Installing a Portable Spa 7) Starting and Maintaining a Portable Spa 8) Checking your Local Codes 9) Personal Safety in Saunas and Spas 10) Pre-Fab Kits 11) Custom Cut Kits 11) Where To Put Sauna 12) The Sauna Heater 13) Wiring the Sauna Heater 14) Sauna Ventilation 15) Sauna Rocks 16) Framing A New Sauna 17) Insulating a New Sauna 18) Lining a New Sauna 19) Tips From the Pros

    Price: $45.00

    Click here to buy from Amazon

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    Tuesday, December 6, 2011

    New Grade A Teak Shower / Bath Room / Pool Bench with Shelf (FULLY ASSEMBLED)

    New Grade A Teak Shower / Bath Room / Pool Bench with Shelf (FULLY ASSEMBLED)Our products are made by WholesaleTeak and shipped by WholesaleTeak. We at Wholesale Teak take pride in offering quality products to our customers and perform level best service. Our multi-purpose Table can be used as a stool or as a side table. Constructed by hand of sustainably harvested premium grade Indonesian teak. Hard wearing and impervious to sun, rain, frost or snow. Weathers to teak's hallmark silver gray. Assembly: **SHIPS FULLY ASSEMBLED** Please double check your space with the dimensions of the product to make sure it fits to avoid returns and return shipping fees. If you receive this product in knockdown or partially assembled condition please report us and we will refund your money in full.


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    Mr. Steam 103814 Breathe Essential Oil, 10 mL

    Mr. Steam 103814 Breathe Essential Oil, 10 mLOil Scent :Breathe Pure essential oils made from natural plant extracts Packaged as individual 10ml bottles with integral dropper. For use with Mr. Steam Aromasteam steamhead. Also available as a 5-pack, which includes one of each fragrance.

    Price: $25.00

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    THE KOALA BARES Loxie & Zoot Nudist & Naturist Comics Like Archie Series Bears

    THE KOALA BARES Loxie & Zoot Nudist & Naturist Comics Like Archie Series BearsJust in time for Spring & Summer ! The 128 Page Glossy Coffee Table Book For Nudists and Family Friendly people alike... Much like the Archie Series - Only NUDE ! Betty & Veronica, look out !

    The FUN Book where People of Color - different Shapes and Sizes ENJOY LIFE AU NATURALE.

    Looking for some relaxing pool side reading? Need a nudist-oriented gift? Wanting to pass around the nude fun to internet-less friends and family? Here's just the thing for your bookshelf or coffee table...!

    Loxie & Zoot: The Koala Bares

    Full colour, glossy toons

    Features all 120 pages of The Koala Bares - Loxie and Zoot's first adventure !

    Plus a Potted History of Loxie and Zoot - 4 pages with rare pics of early Loxie & Zoot material.

    Square bound trade paper back [17 x 24cm] (approx. 7" x 9-1/2")

    Naturists generally have an open and healthy attitude towards their bodies and prefer to enjoy life, when and where possible, without clothing.

    The philosophy is that the human body, in and of itself, is not offensive. Hopefully most people will accept the nudity in this comic book for what it is... a depiction of a natural way of life without lewd sensationalism. In the final wash it's all just meant to be a bit of fun anyway. :)

    Anyone looking for pornography won't find any. All nudity is depicted without undue emphasis on any part of the body, There are no sexual references or intentional double entendres.


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    Teak Wood Folding Shower Seat, Bench, Stool - Bath, Sauna Seating

    Teak Wood Folding Shower Seat, Bench, Stool - Bath, Sauna SeatingSolid Teak Wood Folding Shower Seat. Perfect for shower or bath, this stool can also be used for your steam room or sauna.
    Why should you choose teak?

    With an average lifespan of 75 years, teak wood has long been acclaimed as the best choice for outdoor furnishings. This luxuriant hardwood is resistant to water, weather and warping, allowing it to withstand season after season of use with no need for winter storage.

    The natural oil content of the wood makes teak resistent to water and weathering. Over time, teak will age to a soft silver color. The original "new" look may be maintained with the application of teak oil once or twice a year, though most prefer the classic elegance of the aged wood.


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    Redwood Drink Holder Finish: Dark Gray

    Redwood Drink Holder Finish: Dark GrayDC-Dark Gray Finish: Dark Gray Constructed from top quality select grade California Redwood, a renewable resource, the innovative design of the Redwood Drink Holder will transform your spa or outdoor area into an attractive and functional haven for family and friends. Modular surrounds and outdoor furniture are simple to assemble with maximum flexibility in mind. Features: -Includes drink holder only. -Constructed of California Redwood. -Finished with EPA approved Super Deck Transparent Stain that seals and protects the wood against the evils of water, UV light, and mildew. -Comes with two brackets for easy docking. -All Fasteners are Ruspert Coated, 1000 Salt Spray-rated, and will not corrode or discolor product. -Made in the USA. -Overall Dimensions: 5.5'' H x 23.25'' W.


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    Intermatic FF60MC 60-Minute Spring Loaded Wall Timer, Brushed Metal

    Intermatic FF60MC 60-Minute Spring Loaded Wall Timer, Brushed MetalIntermatic FF60MC Energy Controls - In-Wall Timers 60 Minute Commercial Without Hold

    Price: $22.08

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    The luxury of an infrared-sauna-spa right in your own home

    The sauna experience seems something luxury for most people: How can sit it time just out of their day and relax take? Or how can they go somewhere, just to be in any heat sit? This kind of attitude towards any kind of sauna experience is normal, but what many people don't realize is the positive impact that have saunas on the body. In particular infrared sauna baths, are not only more accessible to the average American, but the word conjures up a slightly different picture from level "sauna" or "Spa".

    An infrared-sauna-spa is that a technologically advanced version of traditional Finnish Spa that light one is little assigned moisture and a lot of steam. Infrared thermal baths leave the radiant heat, which is much like the heat from the Sun on infrared. Infrared radiant heat is aimed at a surface (in this case your body), and directly, not the air heats. The heat in infrared is so dry and easy to breathe Spa, in contrast to the traditional saunas which most think. Traditional saunas close to 200 degrees Celsius on top of that, reach-how many people can handle this kind of heat? Because infrared heat is directly, it must not reach temperatures, traditional saunas reach, because the heat is projected directly on your skin.

    You could have never dreamed a sauna right in your home, but with infra-red sauna, spas you can do just that. There are various models and types available online for purchase that you install in your own home for the ultimate convenience. Just imagine: one of the most luxurious things possible, until you every day when you feel like have available. Local infrared of spas offer just that. And now the prices for them are cheaper than ever before. A little store and you can one of the things beneficial and health have also in your own home on the market.

    The truth of the matter is, while infra red sauna, spas are incredibly healthy, relaxing and fun at home to get circumstances can prepare. You have a room that does not wet and has plenty of space, not to mention the dedicated socket, you will need. It is on portable alternatives the "cottage style" infrared sauna baths, which are much cheaper and you can take out and put away, whenever you want. While the price may be a mere 1 / 4 for a full-size regular infra red sauna, but you are limited to a models, during the complete cabin style comes styles to choose from in two or three person. Regardless of which one you set, that investments in, will you make a good decision.

    More additional information and resources about luxurious infra red sauna, Spa, please visit the # 1 infrared sauna on site on the net:

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