Saturday, August 18, 2018

Toxic EMF In Infrared Saunas

- Hi. I'm Sage. Welcome to Heal With Heat TV. Today we're here in the infrared sauna and we're going to be talking
about EMF in infrared saunas.

Is it something you should know about? Is it something you should worry about? Does your sauna that you have
at home give off lots of EMF? Well here's the deal. In infrared saunas, usually with most infrared saunas, they're giving off major EMF. This is essentially
electromagnetic pollution. It's the same reason you don't
want to hold your cellphone up next to your head too much.

It's toxic electricity that takes a huge toll
on the body over time. Most infrared saunas
aren't taking care of this. They're not shielding to block the EMF. So there's huge amounts
of EMF hitting the body.

Not only is this essentially
toxic to your cells, but when you're exposed to EMF, it puts your body into more of a fight or flight nervous system state. The reason that's relevant is because, think about this because it's going to
make a whole lot of sense, when you are in fight or flight, when your body essentially
thinks there is a serious, immediate problem and you are running from a saber-toothed tiger
in your nervous system, your body shuts down detoxification because it's just not a priority. If your body is going to
focus energy on something, and there's an immediate
threat to your life, it's not going to worry
about detoxification. So if you're getting in an infrared sauna with the goal of detox, but you're being bombarded with EMF.

That you can't see or can't feel, but it's taking a cellular
toll on your body, you're not going to be getting, really, the ultimate detox experience. So the amazing thing with
these Clearlight Saunas is that they've completely
blocked off the EMF. So you're not being hit by any of that. You're just getting the beneficial side of the infrared heat without the EMF that lots
of other infrared saunas are hitting your body with.

So this way you're getting
the ultimate detox experience in a totally relaxed state and your nervous system and all
your cells are thanking you. And I want to thank you for joining us. Please subscribe or follow
us if you enjoyed this video and would love to learn
more about infrared saunas, and I'm wishing you all a great day..

Toxic EMF In Infrared Saunas

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