Thursday, April 26, 2018

Man builds a sauna in his apt - Digital Architect

-My designer says, you really
want to have a sauna, and I'm thinking, why would I possibly
want to have a sauna? My name is [? Livru ?] [? Victorusu ?]. I'm a builder in Manhattan. The idea of having a sauna in
my own home was a concept presented to me when I was
renovating this space. And I proceeded to research-- so I could state with scientific
validity-- all this money, do I want
to waste it on nothing? I mean, that's be
realistic here.

I'm researching it, and I'm not
finding reason to say no. As a matter of fact, I'm finding
a mountain of data that sustains that the most
natural of the body's detoxification process-- which is to expel toxins out
of the body through sweat-- is triggered when you are
at rest and sweating. I'm resorting to larger
pieces of material. Both because of their emission
properties, and because of the ease of installation.

In this particular sauna, we
have 990 watts of power. So we've got these sections
of walls-- on three sides-- coming around that's heated,
operating temperature between 180 and 190, and that results in
an ambient air temperature of about 100. When you first walk in here,
there isn't an instant feeling of, whoa, and it takes
perhaps two, three seconds until you perceive-- indeed- there is heat coming. And then within ten
seconds it's whoa.

For the first half hour, I can
just sit in the heat, and then I need to cool off
a little bit. And once I turn the water on,
I'm obviously splashing water on the walls. And as that water evaporates,
it gets steamy in here. So the quality changes from a
dry sauna to a wet sauna upon command, and I just make more
steam by spraying some more water on the walls.

So now, I flip over to the other
side and I'm like, I. Have to have a sauna-- I can't live without it. I will do construction-- the toxin, the lead,
craziness, I'm breathing this in. I've got to detox.

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Man builds a sauna in his apt - Digital Architect

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