Thursday, August 30, 2018

Urban Exploration Estate House Full of Stuff!! + Playhouse & Sauna

Hello and good day. We are in Finland like we most of the time are. We are in Lapland. This time we are very north Lapland and as I was driving, I noticed this house is abandoned house.

It's pretty traditional Finnish house. The stairs are rotten as you can see, curtains ripped off. Probably a few animals have been inside of the house I would predict. Here are old rotten swing that has fallen apart.

I don't know what that house is. And here we have kids playhouse. Here are some kids toys. I don't know about this house.

It's not in that bad shape but all the paint are peeling off. I don't know if you could see inside but there are few stuff inside maybe ... Maybe somebody uses it as a storage, so we don't go in. And it looks like nobody wants to nobody go in.

And here in the flower field, we have maybe some kind of guest house or sauna or perhaps storage. No, maybe it's work shed. It's completely falling apart. There's some kind of engine in there.

Let me focus again. Some jars. Now I'm curious what is inside those little drawers. Just work stuff...

Eewwww; mold. Magnesium thing. More drawers with nothing in it. Yes, because of the bricks, I assume this is sauna.

Now let's go inside the house. Yes, there's a road near. Whoa! Tight pants. Difficult to jump.

This door was open when I got here. I assume nobody have been here for ages. There are mushrooms in the ceiling ... Eewwww.

Now that's some decay ... Decay. For the inside, this is pretty clean! This fireplace heats the house. Some children's boots.

Kitchen; nice. Pretty much stuff inside. Let me take my flashlight. Paint is peeling from the ceiling a little bit.

No mold in the mattresses. That's a wonder. Let me show that angel painting. Yes.

Whoops. Let me focus. There's some old, old, old shoes. Some pants and nice hat.

Would it be a crime if I tried that? Wait. It's way too small (laughs). But remember; we are urban explorers so we don't take stuff for ourselves. We just examine, photograph, kind of what we do is taking history saving history to our cameras because we know these...

Hmmm, cellar; my favorite. Oh, where was I? We are saving history, these places, because these are going to decay and then they're going to fall apart. Upstairs and we have some ... Something here.

Let me take my flashlight Here are some clothes a bag, more clothes. Nothing really special. Here's some beautiful decay. Here's a little fireplace.

I don't know what it was used but it's nice. Lot of clothes here. I assume women's clothes. I don't know.

What is ... Something to read here. Some car; about cars. Strem.

Let me focus. It looks like these are machine gun shells. Huh. It would be weird to find machine gun in here.

Okay. Ouch! And I am running out of time so I have to quickly show this room and ... Finish (?) And more (?) And we are running out of time. I have to quit because I have time limit on this camera.

As always please subscribe, thumb up and share this video. Bye! And see you again next week..

Urban Exploration Estate House Full of Stuff!! + Playhouse & Sauna

Friday, August 24, 2018

Traditional vs. Infrared Saunas... WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE

- Hi, I'm Sage. Welcome back to Heal with Heat TV. Today we're here in the Clearlight sauna, and we're going to be talking about one of our most commonly asked questions, which is, what is the difference between a traditional sauna,
and an infrared sauna? By traditional sauna, we mean the sauna with
the box of hot rocks, you may have seen in Scandinavia. Very popular in Finland, Iceland, all throughout the regions
of northern Europe, and you may have used it at your gym, and on the other hand we
have the infrared sauna, like we're in here now.

The biggest difference is the way in which they heat the body. In the traditional sauna, you have the box of hot rocks, which then heats the air
which then heats you, and the challenge there is that it's somewhat of an ineffective and inefficient way of heating the body, because the heat has to pass through so many different mediums
before it can actually heat you. On the other hand, in the infrared sauna, you have these great carbon epoxy panels that are on our sides and behind us here, and these work in a
completely different way. They give off infrared heat, and this infrared heat, is able to pass through the air without heating the air very much, and actually heats the body directly, and infrared heat is our
body's natural heat signature.

It's what we actually
give off as human beings. That's why you look through
infrared night vision goggles and you see people. This is a heat that comes
very naturally to our body, and your body almost thinks
you're out exercising and producing your own heat. It's such a perfect fit for the way your biology works.

This requires the whole sauna not to have to be as
hot as you would have it in a traditional sauna. The reason that's important is because in a traditional sauna, it can get so so hot, that most people can't stay in there longer than 15 or 30 minutes, because the heat can start
to feel really oppressive, and also the heat can be so intense, that you can go into a bit of a fight or flight nervous system state, and when you're in that fight
or flight survival mode, your body is focused on surviving, not on detoxifying. If you imagine you're being
chased by a wild animal, your fight or flight nervous system state is wired to do exactly
and only what is needed to get you out of that situation. It's not gonna prioritize something as minor to your immediate
survival as detoxification.

When you're in the infrared sauna, you're actually totally
relaxed, really peaceful. It's great for relieving stress, and you're in a completely meditative relaxed nervous system state. No more fight or flight. It's easier to open up all your
channels of detoxification, and because the heat is so much gentler, you can actually stay in longer and probably get a lot more sweat out which is fantastic so you
get even more benefit.

If you haven't tried an
infrared sauna before, I'd highly recommend giving it a shot. It's an amazing feeling, and a really different experience than you probably would have ever had in a traditional sauna, for these reasons we've just discussed. Thanks so much for joining us today guys. If you enjoyed this video, please follow us or subscribe.

We'd love to share more about our passion for saunas with you. We'll be back here same
time same place next week, and I invite you to come
join me for another sauna. Thanks so much and have a great day..

Traditional vs. Infrared Saunas... WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Toxic EMF In Infrared Saunas

- Hi. I'm Sage. Welcome to Heal With Heat TV. Today we're here in the infrared sauna and we're going to be talking
about EMF in infrared saunas.

Is it something you should know about? Is it something you should worry about? Does your sauna that you have
at home give off lots of EMF? Well here's the deal. In infrared saunas, usually with most infrared saunas, they're giving off major EMF. This is essentially
electromagnetic pollution. It's the same reason you don't
want to hold your cellphone up next to your head too much.

It's toxic electricity that takes a huge toll
on the body over time. Most infrared saunas
aren't taking care of this. They're not shielding to block the EMF. So there's huge amounts
of EMF hitting the body.

Not only is this essentially
toxic to your cells, but when you're exposed to EMF, it puts your body into more of a fight or flight nervous system state. The reason that's relevant is because, think about this because it's going to
make a whole lot of sense, when you are in fight or flight, when your body essentially
thinks there is a serious, immediate problem and you are running from a saber-toothed tiger
in your nervous system, your body shuts down detoxification because it's just not a priority. If your body is going to
focus energy on something, and there's an immediate
threat to your life, it's not going to worry
about detoxification. So if you're getting in an infrared sauna with the goal of detox, but you're being bombarded with EMF.

That you can't see or can't feel, but it's taking a cellular
toll on your body, you're not going to be getting, really, the ultimate detox experience. So the amazing thing with
these Clearlight Saunas is that they've completely
blocked off the EMF. So you're not being hit by any of that. You're just getting the beneficial side of the infrared heat without the EMF that lots
of other infrared saunas are hitting your body with.

So this way you're getting
the ultimate detox experience in a totally relaxed state and your nervous system and all
your cells are thanking you. And I want to thank you for joining us. Please subscribe or follow
us if you enjoyed this video and would love to learn
more about infrared saunas, and I'm wishing you all a great day..

Toxic EMF In Infrared Saunas

Sunday, August 12, 2018

The Steam Sauna Pro steam cabinet by Promolife - Premier steam therapy

[Music] TOBY: The Steam Sauna Pro has been used in
homes and businesses for the past 20 years. With unsurpassed quality and American craftsmanship,
you know the Steam Sauna Pro will last for years to come. If you are interested in steam therapy, you
can't go wrong with the Steam Sauna Pro. And unlike some other units, it can be made
fully compatible with ozone therapy.

Steam therapy with the Steam Sauna Pro can
boost your immune system, detoxify and deep clean your pores, relieve muscle pain, increase
flexibility, increase circulation, improve skin and body tone, hydrate dry skin, and
relieve stress. Steam inhalation can be an effective treatment
for respiratory conditions like the common cold, sinusitis, bronchitis, allergies and
asthma. You can relieve coughing and spasmodic breathing
and lessen throat irritation. The Steam Sauna Pro uses a steam boiler that
vents under the seat.

So you don't have to worry about unsafe steam vents that can clog
or cause pressure buildup. A single door with quality stainless steel
hinges is four times stronger than traditional double doors. Every Steam Sauna Pro comes with a foot rest
and a lumbar pillow which can enhance your experience. The controls are maintenance free and very
easy to operate.

The adjustable cushioned seat provides for
great comfort while you relax and enjoy your sauna. It's easy to move from room to room and easy
to clean and produces much lower EMF than many other units. The Steam Sauna Pro is the ultimate in luxury.
For more information, please visit our website at Steam Sauna Pro dot com or call us at 888
742 3404. [Music] http://www.Steamsaunapro.Com.

The Steam Sauna Pro steam cabinet by Promolife - Premier steam therapy

Monday, August 6, 2018

The Sauna Elf

Sauna has always been an important part of
Finnish culture and character - and ever since anyone can remember it has
been meaningful tradition for most holidays. Our ancestors kept sauna as a holy place,
because the symbolism of sauna was life. Life begun in sauna and life ended at sauna. People usually went there to give birth and
when someone passed away, they would be put to sauna and people would wash up the deceased.

Nowadays it is more for cleansing, relaxing - and a way to detach yourself from the everyday life. It is the symbolism of holidays
an initiation to celebration. Usually the sauna had to be heated up very
early morning of the Christmas eve, - because old saunas (like smoke saunas)
needed long time to heat up. And it was also very important for the folk
to bathe before the dusk.

They had to bathe before the sun went down
and darkness took over, because during the dark - the elf and the deceased spirits would bathe. Old folk believed that every household and
even saunas had their own protector elves that lived inside the sauna stove or in some
small nooks of the house. The humanlike elf would prevent the sauna
from burning down or even helped people get great steams. But only if you respected the elfs wishes.

You were not allowed to scream, whistle or
even talk loudly in sauna. If you were too loud, the sauna elf would
get mad and move out. When people were finished with bathing, they
would throw lots of water to the stove. Then they would light a candle and leave the
door open as they left because that was the way to welcome the elves to bathe.

Their time to bathe was during dark hours. As the living folk of the household would
finish their Christmas dinner, they would leave food out for the elf. Usually the households had different elves
living in different buildings and for example sauna and house elves were probably not the
same. But the believes of these protectors would
prevent bad luck and deaths..

The Sauna Elf