Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Willaim and Steven Yeuns fun Korean sauna experience! [The Return of Superman2017.08.27]

Let's go eat this, man. Let's go eat this, man. Sam has prepared William's meal. (What Steven does) (makes William give a big reaction.) Eat.

Eat. Blueberries. Blueberries. Would you like a piece of sausage? (He spits out the sausage.) Oh, no.

Would you like a piece of egg? (William doesn't even look at the egg.) Okay. You can't eat only blueberries. You are going to turn blue if you only eat blueberries. What is Uncle Steven making? (William is touching something.) This is so scary.

(Uncle, look at this.) What? That's an SD card. That's an SD card. (What's that?) It's not food. This is an SD card.

(I got it from here.) William, did you pull the SD card out of the camera? That's pretty good. That's pretty good, man. (I am sorry for all the troubles today.) Look at that. It's a face.

Look at that. That's a face. Look at the blueberry face. Look at that.

Look at that. Here. Take a bite. (He hesitantly takes a bite.) (It's not to my taste.) William, what do you like to eat? Do you like dried laver? Look at it.

(Ta-da) (He tries dried laver.) Is it good? (Uncle Steven begins to make gimbap.) (It's a healthy gimbap with rice and egg.) Babies love dried laver. It suits William's taste. Yum. You are eating well.

Gimbap. Yum. (He makes good gimbap.) There was an egg in there. I got you.

(I'll let it slide this time.) Yummy. It was yummy, right? It was yummy, right? It was yummy, right? (Uncle, come here.) What's that? (He tries to get dried laver on a camera.) That's dirty. Let's go wash our hands. Let's go wash our hands.

Uncle Steven washes William's hands. Do you like the water? Do you like the water? (It's a special service for William.) Dad. William. That's you.

Meanwhile, Sam... (Sam came out to buy lunch.) Hello. Please give me two tteokbokki - and sundae. / - Sundae.

- Thank you. / - Thank you. Bye. I had to pull.

(Steven makes Sam run.) Sam came back in a hurry for Steven. - Yes. / - Hello. - It's Dad.

/ - Hello. - What is it? / - It's Dad. It's Dad. Did you have fun, William? Did you have fun with Uncle Steven? Thank you.

- Do you like tteokbokki? / - Yes, I do. There is Uncle Steven's favorite, tteokbokki, and Sam's recommendation, dakbal. My mouth is watering. (Eating) (This is the taste.) Dad.

Dad. (Uncle Steven enjoys the food.) He is waiting for Dad. (He tries liver for the first time.) Do you want this? (It tastes good.) - Dad. / - Dad.

Dad. (Envious) When did he first say that? He was really young. I think it was just words, but in the last four weeks... That's got to be an awesome feeling.

Dad, Dad. Dad, Dad. Can he say "Mom"? - Yes. / - Yes? He says "Dad" more.

What is that? Is that marinated crab? - It's dakbal. / - Dakbal. I don't even know what... I mean, I have never eaten chicken feet.

There isn't a special way (It's your first time eating dakbal, right?) To eat it. Just... (He gives a demonstration.) Uncle Steven tries it after Sam. Is it good? (How does it taste?) (Coughing) (His lips are sore.) Drink this.

(This is the best drink to relieve the spiciness.) Thank you. (He finds peace with a drink.) (Have another cup.) (Gulping) William. Don't eat this. - Don't eat this.

/ - It's really spicy. (He feels dizzy.) Don't eat this. (He is retching.) In Korea, they say eating hot food relieves stress. I am not sure about that.

William wanted to go out. - Shall we... / - He loves going out. - Does he like going out? / - Yes.

Shall we go out together? - That would be nice. / - All right. Let's relieve some actual stress. - Shall we go out? / - Shall we go out? (Let's hurry up and go out.) (They go to a place Uncle Steven recommends.) Was Jude born when you were filming "Okja"? No, he was actually conceived when I was filming "Okja".

- That's great. / - Yes. Were you there for his birth? Yes, I was. It was magical.

Did your wife come home after the childbirth? She stayed in the hospital for three to four days. In Korea, they have these recovery centers. - Really? / - So... Mothers usually spend a week or two there after the hospital.

- Really? / - They have nurses there to look after the baby and teach you how to feed them, - and do the whole thing. / - That's cool. It's an opportunity for moms to recover. (Why didn't I know about this before?) Is your wife in the industry? No, my wife is a photographer.

She must take a lot of photos of Jude. We have a lot of good photos. She sends me photos and they are awesome. I was really surprised when you came.

I never imagined it would be you. How did you decide to visit this program? To trade war stories. (He came to trade parenting war stories.) Right, William? I got to meet you, man. I got to meet you, man.

(Roar) How about you? How about you? (Smiling) Does he laugh a lot? He smiles so much. It's kind of the same. When you get him laughing, it goes "boom" like an explosion. (He is a funny uncle.) (Shaking his head) What? (I'm going to take your SD card out.) (Uncle Steven can't take his eyes off.) (Uncle, come here.) (I love Uncle Steven.) (Anyway...) Where are we going? I got the address on the GPS navigation.

- I should just follow it. / - Follow whatever it says. (Where is Uncle Steven's hot place?) I just thought it would be a good idea to bring them and get some rest. I would help watch William here.

Okay. Follow me. (Uncle Steven's hot place) Do you know what this is? Isn't it a sauna? You fight heat with heat. - You know that, right? / - Hot things for summer, - cold things for winter.

/ - Yes. (The Hollywood star's choice is a sauna.) (Sam and Uncle Steven get changed.) - Are you ready? / - Yes. Hey. (How does William look?) (He is dressed in a yellow outfit.) (He is the cutest baby on the block.) (He copies William.) William.

William, are you ready? Are you ready? Let's go. (Of course I am ready.) (He is excited.) Let's go. We can't wait to see the place Uncle Steven recommends. (Hello, William.) Hello.

- Hello. / - Hello. I just figured you should get some rest. Just relax.

Yes, I'd like that. You should get some rest. I love resting time. I absolutely love it.

This place looks nice. (William loves it.) (Running) (One, two, dance) He is so cute. He looks like a chick. (William the chick appears in a sauna.) You are a chick.

(I will play with Uncle.) William. What is this? What is this? (Uncle Steven and William spend some time together.) William, come here. (He enjoys the speed with Uncle Steven.) (That was thrilling.) (Smiling) - May we jump with you? / - Yes. Okay.

(Jumping) (Uncle Steven and William have a fun time.) Meanwhile, Sam visits a place. Massage. His feet twist. His hands twitch.

What kind of a massage is it? (He is getting threaded.) I love my facial hair. I will leave the part that looks nice. (The stinging sensation gets on his nerves.) Am I bleeding? I'm only removing hair you don't need. I might be bleeding.

No, hold on a second. Wait a minute. Is this really a thread? You said you want to get threaded. I didn't think it would hurt so much.

(Laughing) (While Sam gets some rest...) Shall we have a snack? A snack. (Shall we have a snack?) Look at this stuff, man. What do you want? Eggs? (Let's see.) Thank you. (You must have eggs at the sauna.) (William smiles and shows his bottom teeth.) What do you want? (We need something to drink.) What can babies drink? - They drink hongcho.

/ - I see. Please give me one. Thank you. (Thank you for the food.) You need this on your head.

Uncle Steven even makes a sheep's head for him. (Steven the sheep) I will do it for you. (Let's eat.) (This is bothersome.) Uncle Steven does everything William does. (Cracking) Nice.

You are good at this. Have you tried it before? Okay. Yes, you have. (Eating) (Is it good, Uncle?) (It's sour.) You are so cute, man.

(After the date...) William, let's go find Dad. Yes? Let's go. Where is Dad? Where is Dad? Where is Dad? Let's go. Let's go.

Where is Dad? Is he in here? They finally found Sam. (Sam is enjoying the sauna.) (I am here.) - Hello. / - He has been rolling. - Really? / - Yes.

What did you do? We walked around the place. You walked around the place? He was just going for it. (William hunts a camera.) I think he is excited. What? (Throwing) (Director William has strange aesthetics.) (He moves the camera in a strange way.) As William becomes more mischievous, (The camera suffers.) The camera suffers all day.

My goodness. What should I do? What? That's an SD card. William, did you pull the SD card out of a camera? That's pretty good. What? (He even pulls a straight face.) (You are in the palm of my hand.) Oh, man.

Jude is still carriable. He is not that hard, but this is next level. (Students linger by the door.) Hello. Hello.

- Hello. / - Come on in. - We are fans. / - Really? We are Steven Yeun's fans.

- I'm enjoying watching "Walking Dead". / - Thank you. I bet you didn't expect - to see Steven Yeun here. / - No.

How does it feel to see him? - He is handsome. / - Thanks. (He takes the compliment.) I watched "Walking Dead". - Really? / - I am underage, but...

(Laughing) That's understandable. - May I take a photo? / - Yes. Sure. I am really a fan.

One, two, three. (He clicks the shutter.) - Excellent. / - Nice. Nice to meet you guys.

(He finishes his fan meet at the dry sauna.) Yes, sure. Can he give that to him? What is it? It's dried squid and water. William, you got a gift. (He gets squid legs.) (Excited) It tastes better the more you chew on it.

Is this dried squid? (Steven is trying various kinds of food today.) Shall we eat it together? (It's the dried squid kiss.) It tastes good. (I'll just eat it by myself.) Thank you for looking after William today. Thank you. I mean, I learned a lot.

Although there's still some time until my son grows up to be this big. I don't know what you could've learned. - But it was a preview / - Yes. Of how it will be like in the future.

I'm going to drink a lot of coffee from now on. Give him a kiss. (Today was fun, Uncle Steven.) Thank you. William, give him a high-five.

(I had fun too, William.) - Give me a high-five. / - Give him a high-five. (Come back and play with us again.).

Willaim and Steven Yeuns fun Korean sauna experience! [The Return of Superman2017.08.27]

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

WE TRAPPED AND KILLED GRANNY IN NEW SAUNA!Granny Update! New car, sauna, and shotgun

Hey guys Bijuu Mike here welcome back to Granny! Now we're just jumping right into it. I've never passed the game, in fact In fact we've only made one legit episode of it. And I know it's gotten tons of updates Since we've played it. So I thought we'd give it a try okay? I know a lot of you guys lot of you guys have asked me to play Granny, and to to play more, and, uh, yeah! I'm really surprised that I didn't you know play this a lot sooner than I did but let's see what these new updates are all about.

I did in fact play the uh the ex- OH GAWD. Just like that? She's already coming? Is she faster? Yeah, I did play the Roblox version of Granny, which is uh, not quite the same, *lol* For obvious reasons, oh gawd is she behind me? Is Granny ready to square up right now? OH! She's so not that fast though, NO! She's definitely not as scary as she used to be for me. I remember the first time playing this game. If you guys missed it, be sure to check it out, but I was so freaked out.

Alright we're gonna bring this down Bring it down, okay? We have an options menu now? Was that a thing before? It was. You know if you think about it Granny and Baldi are quite similar. She has a stick, and Bal-Baldi has a stick. Think about it.

Huh?  That's what they- that's what they don't want you to know. That they're related. Oh she put a bear trap down. I forgot this is a Hello Neighbor ripoff.

Tech-technically it is, but a very successful Hello Neighbor ripoff at that. I mean this game has 10- over 10 million downloads Insane. Granny is rich and famous okay? And she won't give me none of that money. I keep asking for some but she don't- she says no.

Easy, we're just on normal because I'm such a noob to this game still. Great, oh my gawd a door that leads to no where. Fantastic. Okay, I kind of remember where some items are, I think the hammer's up here, and I would be dead wrong.

Apparently it's not up there. This game's been updated so I have no idea, what has been updated. Does that make sense to you guys? Oh we can walk through here. SCREW YOU.

AND YOUR BOXES GRANNY! Okay I really hate going downstairs cuz I'm scared that she'll be here randomly. Because you can't really hear her move. If you guys didn't know that already. Oh she could be down here.

Oh what did I get? Oh- oh... I hear her... I heard her... Oh gawd it's so freaky.

Okay crouch. So I got a piece of a painting, huh? That's something. Oh my gawd that's so loud. I hear her, she's coming! Okay we can knock that crap down.

Oh, sh- she can Granny! Give me some money! Granny, square up. SQUARE UP GRANNY! I'm gonna throw hands at Granny. Can we go under the table? There's weird noises, so creepy. What do we use the painting for? OH! How did- Granny! Granny! Granny! How did- Did you drink a lot of milk in your day? Because seriously, you run so fast.

Okay, so I've just seen other people's thumbnails I think they've added like a garage and all kinds of crazy stuff! Granny- I like, you guys really thought I was messing around, when I said she's got a lot of money, but no she's been making lots of expensive house renovations. Let me tell you, they are not cheap whatsoever by any means are they cheap. Okay I'm hiding here. Okay we're good.

She can't get us in here.   She heard me knock over her mannequin she's like "my precious mannequin!" But you would love Clarence! You would love Clarence! Wouldn't you Granny? She's like "I've been searching for that beautiful boy ever since we've broke up." Clarence really? You dated Granny? You sicko! Oh I need a hammer. I swear the hammer was in the closet before. Did they just update it? Okay we know we don't wanna go through here, we need some planks.

I think that's actually what we needed the hammer for, is to get the planks. OH! N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-no! AH! AH! It's day 4 already. I suck at this game so bad. You'd think I.

Be really good, I should be prepared! I mean all the Baldi! And Hello Neighbor I should be- even the ripoffs! Even, I should be prepard for this game. Yet, here I am, just reduced to this. Let's try this again, we can do better. Okay so I believe there are some more items I did not get downstairs, we're gonna go down there, are we still bleeding? I mean we did step on a beartrap, those tend to make you bleed, if, you know, step on them.

Oh we need a weapon key. Okay, I know, that's probably in the kitchen, If my roblox experience was correct. Oh, I got a safe key. Oh! Oh my gawd! Are you serious? I did not- I did not know she was there.

There was no way I could've seen her. Ah, we need to restart. Can we just restart? We're not gonna be able to do this. Granny you're going down tonight! Not like that, weirdos.

Hey, you're with Clarence, aren't you. You like Granny too I know you do. Grandma got a punching bag in here! I- so she's training! She's training to square up with me! What is that for though? It's actually me, obviously. And, this, oh it's a thing to make noise! Of course! Should've known! Oh we need a screwdriver for this, right? Yeah.

Crap! So behind on this game, so sad. She can't climb, right? I mean there's no way she can catch us in here. Draft. Uh, this is my fifth day in this house, she chases me wherever I go, I'm quite injured and my body hurts, the only thing I remember before I woke up in this house is that I.

Was, uh, driving when- uh oh, she ain't gonna get us. I was driving when suddenly my car suddenly broke down. I went over to see what the problem was, when suddenly someone hit me in the head, I managed to open a pair of locks on the front door, but that's all, why does she do this? I hope no one experiences the same thing as I do, if I do not survive this and if someone find me, shut up, message, I have noticed that she sometimes hides things inside of fruits. Fruits? Oh yeah, great, make another noise while we're at it.

Oh, so we have the handle. I know where this goes to if we can go outside. So at least you know she can't climb through things. That's great.

I didn't know that. So the game's a little uh, fair, at least. Uh, we need a hammer for this too. Oh no that opened whoo! What else do we need? Oh it's a melon! Something is inside this melon.

Oh we can only carry one thing at a time? That's pretty dumb. Oh! Ooh! Okay! Oh my gawd! She can open doors! I mean it's her house. Okay I think I need to play around with this game a little bit and kind of figure it out. UGH I knocked over a picture! No! No! Oh oh hey hey hey hey! Key to what? A key to get slapped in the face is what it goes to.

That's what it goes it. I should've known that. Maybe our problem is that we're not crouching enough. Huh? That's probably our problem.

Is it just me or is it all the items get moved or something. Or is it random now. I. Don't know.

You guys are going to have to let me know in the comments, okay? Is she downstairs? Okay I think so cuz none of the doors seem to be open.   Grandma teleports. Teleportation Grandma okay. What is this? Ooh trapdoor! Woo got a teddy! Now what do I do with it? That's what we have to figure out now.

Ohh She can't come in here. Grandma's not gonna come up in here. N-n-no! I'm gonna have to leave. Is she not gonna leave? Oh she's smart! We got a smart Granny over here! You think you can go? If you don't go I'm gonna copy strike you! That's right, yes! I'll copy strike you, she don't want that! She wan't her videos monetized! Granny cares a lot about her videos.

Cuz they get lots of views. She clearly doesn't know where I'm at, she's looking around. Her ba- her back is pretty back though so that's why she can't bend down. You'd think that maybe she'd just go away? Are we supposed to touching her? Does she- do you feel that? Do you feel that at all? She says no.

Okay, oh my gawd did we- is it a glitch? Is this a glit- We're out! Oh I threw the- I threw the teddy bear at her! What she gets. Okay, oh now the hammer's up there! Okay! I guess all I had to do was change the difficulty. I remember the hammer being up there! Oh we got a piece of the painting too. Oh my gosh I just threw that hammer! I tossed that hammer! Ah! Okay but she still chases us! Just fine! Her legs still work! Granny is too fast, she's faster than freaking Sonic! Ooh ooh ooh! She just always happens to know where I'm at.

Heart of a shotgun. We can- oh! We can get a shotgun and shoot Grandma! Wow! I'm not gonna lie, I kinda feel like doing that. Oh! She-she's coming. She's coming she's coming she's coming.

 Oh no she didn't see that you didn't see that You're too blind and stupid. Right? Please? Oh no she's not gonna, she not about to start walking over here now. Why don't you go lay in that guillotine please. Come on.

It's it's uh It's very comfortable I've tried it. Oh my gawd why? Can we crouch over them Is it like Hello Neighbor? No! Nope! Doesn't work! Oh my gawd talk about close call! Oh my gawd how does she hear so good? So stupid.         How does anyone find this game enjoyable? Uh I found a car key. That's right Granny's got a car! We need to go see her car! How is it? Is it a nice car? Is it a luxury Sedan? She seems like she would have a luxury Sedan.

No, Granny would have a Volkswagen. Let me tell you that. Cuz that's what a freaking a lot of, uh old people uh, drive. Or maybe, maybe I'm thinking of a station wagon.

That's what I'm thinking. Yeah that's what I'm thinking of. Sorry Volkswagen owners. Oh I found another part of the shotgun.

I'm finding a lot of these. So what do we do once you get all of the shotgun pieces? Why does this always happen? Granny? Granny Granny Granny Granny Granny can we talk about sensible- sensible adults. You're an elderly person but you're still an adult. Granny let's be honest you know you don't see nothing.

You don't see anything anymore. I found the hammer! They keep moving it on me! I hate it! Alright alright alright. Bam. Did she- did she hear that? Y-y-y-yeah She totally heard it.

Okay. So now what we need to do, is go upstairs. Oh, she's seen us. N-n-no.

Oh! That was an error in my uh, defense. Okay now we're going upstairs. Okay, feeling good about this. W-welcome to the party Grandma.

Granny, it's alright. I've got her name wrong. She's just knocked it over! And she alerted herself! What an idiot! I'd better put a bear trap there that way I wouldn't knock it over again because if I were to come over here I'd break my foot! Oh!     What did I do to deserve that? Do we not walk across the plank? Yes we just fell through. I didn't know the mechanics of this game were that good! Oh okay, We're walking that plank now.

Oh! Well well well, okay let's not get that we'll die, so what do we have to do shut off the power? Oh cutting pliers. You need so many things! Oh it's Hello Neighbor now! Wait a minute, why are we trapped? I don't- don't tell me she can- I'm gonna put my hand in this blade if you open that I swear. Oh my gawd. We're double trapped! And what does this do? Ohh! Well ain't that lovely? Oh but she don't like that! I'm so dumb I should've waited for her to leave! Why am I so bad at this game? Broke my knees.

Oh, okay! So you can fall through there. She totally heard that. I don't think there's anything else in here so we're gonna go.   That's what I get- that's what I get for trying, huh? Ooh, her car! That's a nice car though! Not really, I actually don't like it.

Oh this is her new sauna, huh? Oh, okay. I think we can lock her in there, I've seen it on people's thumbnails and stuff like that. We're gonna try it. That'd actually be fantastic if we could lock her in there.

Because I'm tired of dealing with her crap! So I believe this is one of the newest editions to the game, if I'm not mistaken.     So stupid! Before we end this episode guys We're gonna trap that Grandma in there. I find it hard to believe, there's no way that we can actually trap her in there, right? It-it would've The game should've known that, unless this is the new thing. I really hope we can trap her in there cuz then we can just beat the game! And I'll feel good about my-myself and my life! Okay so we're just gonna grab this vase and take it.

I believe that is how to do this. Okay, so so, alright, we're gonna trap   there, we drop it in there, and uh, we hide in the car. Okay. This is a beat up car! I wouldn't even freaking touch this car with a- with any pole! Okay, oh gawd, Don't tell me she went in there and I didn't see her, Heyyy Ah! No! No! Go in! She, Yah, she thinks it's so cute, okay! She was, she caught on to my plan, okay we gotta try that again.

It's nice we get to, actually have a little fun here, okay? Oh my gawd   N-n-no! Dang it! So freaking close! Yes! Take that Grandma! Oh my gawd, look at her. Does this really kill her though? She doesn't seem, I mean, She don't seem like she's in that much pain!   Rest in piece Grandma! Nevermind, I stand corrected. So we just free to do whatever? I don't know but we're about to find out. I really hope that's the case.

I can make all the noise I want and nothing will happen? That sounds too good to be true. But how could she possibly get out? There's no   I'm done with this game. Alright. Screw this game.

Today's scrub of the day goes to...     Kitty Cat gamer! I tapped on this video so many times I think I. Have no index finger. Oh my gawd guys can we give a- can we give a nice like on this video to to-to, pray for Kitty Cat Gamer for their index finger? It is gone, because they liked the video too much.

But again guys, that's the dedication you need! You guys call yourself scrubs but until you have the dedication that Kitty Cat gamer has you'll never be scrub of the day alright? Mark my word. So yeah guys! If you do wanna be scrub of the day, make sure to hit the button and hit the bell notifications so you don't miss out on any uploads guys, I would like to play some more Granny and try to keep up to date on it, I'm so sorry that I didn't, you know hop on the band wagon before but uh, you know I had fun with this, it's a really hard game, and uh, I feel like it it's just extremely hard That's really it. But we trapped her in the sauna, and that was cool, so yeah. I'll try to keep up with the game next time, and thank you guys so much for watching, I'll see you in the next one, byeee :3.

WE TRAPPED AND KILLED GRANNY IN NEW SAUNA!Granny Update! New car, sauna, and shotgun

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Urban Exploration Estate House Full of Stuff!! + Playhouse & Sauna

Hello and good day. We are in Finland like we most of the time are. We are in Lapland. This time we are very north Lapland and as I was driving, I noticed this house is abandoned house.

It's pretty traditional Finnish house. The stairs are rotten as you can see, curtains ripped off. Probably a few animals have been inside of the house I would predict. Here are old rotten swing that has fallen apart.

I don't know what that house is. And here we have kids playhouse. Here are some kids toys. I don't know about this house.

It's not in that bad shape but all the paint are peeling off. I don't know if you could see inside but there are few stuff inside maybe ... Maybe somebody uses it as a storage, so we don't go in. And it looks like nobody wants to nobody go in.

And here in the flower field, we have maybe some kind of guest house or sauna or perhaps storage. No, maybe it's work shed. It's completely falling apart. There's some kind of engine in there.

Let me focus again. Some jars. Now I'm curious what is inside those little drawers. Just work stuff...

Eewwww; mold. Magnesium thing. More drawers with nothing in it. Yes, because of the bricks, I assume this is sauna.

Now let's go inside the house. Yes, there's a road near. Whoa! Tight pants. Difficult to jump.

This door was open when I got here. I assume nobody have been here for ages. There are mushrooms in the ceiling ... Eewwww.

Now that's some decay ... Decay. For the inside, this is pretty clean! This fireplace heats the house. Some children's boots.

Kitchen; nice. Pretty much stuff inside. Let me take my flashlight. Paint is peeling from the ceiling a little bit.

No mold in the mattresses. That's a wonder. Let me show that angel painting. Yes.

Whoops. Let me focus. There's some old, old, old shoes. Some pants and nice hat.

Would it be a crime if I tried that? Wait. It's way too small (laughs). But remember; we are urban explorers so we don't take stuff for ourselves. We just examine, photograph, kind of what we do is taking history saving history to our cameras because we know these...

Hmmm, cellar; my favorite. Oh, where was I? We are saving history, these places, because these are going to decay and then they're going to fall apart. Upstairs and we have some ... Something here.

Let me take my flashlight Here are some clothes a bag, more clothes. Nothing really special. Here's some beautiful decay. Here's a little fireplace.

I don't know what it was used but it's nice. Lot of clothes here. I assume women's clothes. I don't know.

What is ... Something to read here. Some car; about cars. Strem.

Let me focus. It looks like these are machine gun shells. Huh. It would be weird to find machine gun in here.

Okay. Ouch! And I am running out of time so I have to quickly show this room and ... Finish (?) And more (?) And we are running out of time. I have to quit because I have time limit on this camera.

As always please subscribe, thumb up and share this video. Bye! And see you again next week..

Urban Exploration Estate House Full of Stuff!! + Playhouse & Sauna

Friday, August 24, 2018

Traditional vs. Infrared Saunas... WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE

- Hi, I'm Sage. Welcome back to Heal with Heat TV. Today we're here in the Clearlight sauna, and we're going to be talking about one of our most commonly asked questions, which is, what is the difference between a traditional sauna,
and an infrared sauna? By traditional sauna, we mean the sauna with
the box of hot rocks, you may have seen in Scandinavia. Very popular in Finland, Iceland, all throughout the regions
of northern Europe, and you may have used it at your gym, and on the other hand we
have the infrared sauna, like we're in here now.

The biggest difference is the way in which they heat the body. In the traditional sauna, you have the box of hot rocks, which then heats the air
which then heats you, and the challenge there is that it's somewhat of an ineffective and inefficient way of heating the body, because the heat has to pass through so many different mediums
before it can actually heat you. On the other hand, in the infrared sauna, you have these great carbon epoxy panels that are on our sides and behind us here, and these work in a
completely different way. They give off infrared heat, and this infrared heat, is able to pass through the air without heating the air very much, and actually heats the body directly, and infrared heat is our
body's natural heat signature.

It's what we actually
give off as human beings. That's why you look through
infrared night vision goggles and you see people. This is a heat that comes
very naturally to our body, and your body almost thinks
you're out exercising and producing your own heat. It's such a perfect fit for the way your biology works.

This requires the whole sauna not to have to be as
hot as you would have it in a traditional sauna. The reason that's important is because in a traditional sauna, it can get so so hot, that most people can't stay in there longer than 15 or 30 minutes, because the heat can start
to feel really oppressive, and also the heat can be so intense, that you can go into a bit of a fight or flight nervous system state, and when you're in that fight
or flight survival mode, your body is focused on surviving, not on detoxifying. If you imagine you're being
chased by a wild animal, your fight or flight nervous system state is wired to do exactly
and only what is needed to get you out of that situation. It's not gonna prioritize something as minor to your immediate
survival as detoxification.

When you're in the infrared sauna, you're actually totally
relaxed, really peaceful. It's great for relieving stress, and you're in a completely meditative relaxed nervous system state. No more fight or flight. It's easier to open up all your
channels of detoxification, and because the heat is so much gentler, you can actually stay in longer and probably get a lot more sweat out which is fantastic so you
get even more benefit.

If you haven't tried an
infrared sauna before, I'd highly recommend giving it a shot. It's an amazing feeling, and a really different experience than you probably would have ever had in a traditional sauna, for these reasons we've just discussed. Thanks so much for joining us today guys. If you enjoyed this video, please follow us or subscribe.

We'd love to share more about our passion for saunas with you. We'll be back here same
time same place next week, and I invite you to come
join me for another sauna. Thanks so much and have a great day..

Traditional vs. Infrared Saunas... WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Toxic EMF In Infrared Saunas

- Hi. I'm Sage. Welcome to Heal With Heat TV. Today we're here in the infrared sauna and we're going to be talking
about EMF in infrared saunas.

Is it something you should know about? Is it something you should worry about? Does your sauna that you have
at home give off lots of EMF? Well here's the deal. In infrared saunas, usually with most infrared saunas, they're giving off major EMF. This is essentially
electromagnetic pollution. It's the same reason you don't
want to hold your cellphone up next to your head too much.

It's toxic electricity that takes a huge toll
on the body over time. Most infrared saunas
aren't taking care of this. They're not shielding to block the EMF. So there's huge amounts
of EMF hitting the body.

Not only is this essentially
toxic to your cells, but when you're exposed to EMF, it puts your body into more of a fight or flight nervous system state. The reason that's relevant is because, think about this because it's going to
make a whole lot of sense, when you are in fight or flight, when your body essentially
thinks there is a serious, immediate problem and you are running from a saber-toothed tiger
in your nervous system, your body shuts down detoxification because it's just not a priority. If your body is going to
focus energy on something, and there's an immediate
threat to your life, it's not going to worry
about detoxification. So if you're getting in an infrared sauna with the goal of detox, but you're being bombarded with EMF.

That you can't see or can't feel, but it's taking a cellular
toll on your body, you're not going to be getting, really, the ultimate detox experience. So the amazing thing with
these Clearlight Saunas is that they've completely
blocked off the EMF. So you're not being hit by any of that. You're just getting the beneficial side of the infrared heat without the EMF that lots
of other infrared saunas are hitting your body with.

So this way you're getting
the ultimate detox experience in a totally relaxed state and your nervous system and all
your cells are thanking you. And I want to thank you for joining us. Please subscribe or follow
us if you enjoyed this video and would love to learn
more about infrared saunas, and I'm wishing you all a great day..

Toxic EMF In Infrared Saunas

Sunday, August 12, 2018

The Steam Sauna Pro steam cabinet by Promolife - Premier steam therapy

[Music] TOBY: The Steam Sauna Pro has been used in
homes and businesses for the past 20 years. With unsurpassed quality and American craftsmanship,
you know the Steam Sauna Pro will last for years to come. If you are interested in steam therapy, you
can't go wrong with the Steam Sauna Pro. And unlike some other units, it can be made
fully compatible with ozone therapy.

Steam therapy with the Steam Sauna Pro can
boost your immune system, detoxify and deep clean your pores, relieve muscle pain, increase
flexibility, increase circulation, improve skin and body tone, hydrate dry skin, and
relieve stress. Steam inhalation can be an effective treatment
for respiratory conditions like the common cold, sinusitis, bronchitis, allergies and
asthma. You can relieve coughing and spasmodic breathing
and lessen throat irritation. The Steam Sauna Pro uses a steam boiler that
vents under the seat.

So you don't have to worry about unsafe steam vents that can clog
or cause pressure buildup. A single door with quality stainless steel
hinges is four times stronger than traditional double doors. Every Steam Sauna Pro comes with a foot rest
and a lumbar pillow which can enhance your experience. The controls are maintenance free and very
easy to operate.

The adjustable cushioned seat provides for
great comfort while you relax and enjoy your sauna. It's easy to move from room to room and easy
to clean and produces much lower EMF than many other units. The Steam Sauna Pro is the ultimate in luxury.
For more information, please visit our website at Steam Sauna Pro dot com or call us at 888
742 3404. [Music] http://www.Steamsaunapro.Com.

The Steam Sauna Pro steam cabinet by Promolife - Premier steam therapy

Monday, August 6, 2018

The Sauna Elf

Sauna has always been an important part of
Finnish culture and character - and ever since anyone can remember it has
been meaningful tradition for most holidays. Our ancestors kept sauna as a holy place,
because the symbolism of sauna was life. Life begun in sauna and life ended at sauna. People usually went there to give birth and
when someone passed away, they would be put to sauna and people would wash up the deceased.

Nowadays it is more for cleansing, relaxing - and a way to detach yourself from the everyday life. It is the symbolism of holidays
an initiation to celebration. Usually the sauna had to be heated up very
early morning of the Christmas eve, - because old saunas (like smoke saunas)
needed long time to heat up. And it was also very important for the folk
to bathe before the dusk.

They had to bathe before the sun went down
and darkness took over, because during the dark - the elf and the deceased spirits would bathe. Old folk believed that every household and
even saunas had their own protector elves that lived inside the sauna stove or in some
small nooks of the house. The humanlike elf would prevent the sauna
from burning down or even helped people get great steams. But only if you respected the elfs wishes.

You were not allowed to scream, whistle or
even talk loudly in sauna. If you were too loud, the sauna elf would
get mad and move out. When people were finished with bathing, they
would throw lots of water to the stove. Then they would light a candle and leave the
door open as they left because that was the way to welcome the elves to bathe.

Their time to bathe was during dark hours. As the living folk of the household would
finish their Christmas dinner, they would leave food out for the elf. Usually the households had different elves
living in different buildings and for example sauna and house elves were probably not the
same. But the believes of these protectors would
prevent bad luck and deaths..

The Sauna Elf

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

The Power of Infrared Saunas for Athletic Recovery

- Hi, I'm Sage. Welcome to Heal with Heat TV. Today we're here in the Infrared Sauna, and we're gonna talk about
one of my personal favorite benefits of the sauna, which is improved Athletic Recovery. So, we've all had that situation, where you get super sore
after a good workout, or it just takes you longer to recover than you ideally would like, and the infrared sauna
can actually be great for helping with that in a
number of different ways.

First, is that it helps with human growth hormone production. Now, human growth hormone production is something that really peaks in our late teens, early twenties, and then it continues to decline, and decline, and decline, and decline, as we go through our life, to the point where a 70-year-old will have about 1/20th the levels of human growth hormone,
as a 20-year-old would. And human growth hormone is
essential for muscle recovery, and so many other things
when it comes to anti-aging. So, if you can do something like take in an infrared sauna, that
helps to significantly increase human growth hormone production, it's great both for longevity, and for athletic recovery,
and building muscle, and recovering quickly.

The other thing to consider is that this infrared heat is great
for improving circulation. So when we get more circulation, and more blood flow going to the muscles, it's gonna be bringing in
more nutrition to the muscles, more fatty acids, more amino acids, more vitamins and minerals,
and not only that, but it's gonna carry
away more of the things that we don't want, so it's carrying away the lactic acid, it's carrying
away the calcium ions. And so in both of those ways, infrared saunas are fantastic for helping with athletic recovery post workout. Now, some people ask, should
I do an infrared sauna before a workout, should I do it after, and there's a couple ways
you could go about this.

You could do it both, it's great to do it before
to help warm up your muscles, and it's fantastic to do it after, for these reasons of recovery
that we've just discussed. If you only have time for one, I would go for afterwards, because there's many ways to warm up, but the benefits that you get in terms of human growth hormone response, and in terms of just overall recovery, because of that increased
circulation going to the muscles afterwards
is really fantastic, and it's not something
you wanna miss out on. So give an infrared sauna a
try after your next workout, and leave us a comment below, and let us know how it went. Thanks so much for joining us.

We'll be back here same
time, same place next week, and I would love for you to
come and join me in the sauna, and we'll talk about more
great, fascinating information. Have a great day, and
we'll see you next time..

The Power of Infrared Saunas for Athletic Recovery

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

The Healing Powers of Sauna PodsUpgraded

I'm ready to blast off
>> All right, and just don't touch the lights cuz they're hot, obviously
>> We see you survived the uprising, congratulations. I'm Jamie. >> And I am your new ruler, Jeffrey. >> And this is Upgraded.

>> A show that explores the future of
self care by embracing new technology. >> What if you don't care
about the future of yourself? >> Have some self respect. Is it hot in here today? >> That's actually just the heat
of my own thought crimes radiating from my big old head. But your treatment today does
harness the power of the sun.

>> The sun and I aren't on speaking terms,
it's jealous of me. >> We're putting you in a sauna pod. [MUSIC] >> Pods? Today's treatment was suggested by,
[SOUND]. Sauna pods are little claustrophobic
spaceship looking things full of jade stones that help you sweat out your toxins
and excess weight completely holistically.

Unlike a normal sauna, infrared sauna pods apply heat to your body directly instead
of heating up the air around you. >> Can I sweat out these? >> No, but you can sweat off weight,
sweat out toxins, improve your skin, relieve muscle and joint paint, improve
blood circulation, and clear up skin. >> I'm going to enter a hot caterpillar
and exit a fresh, hungry butterfly. >> Sexy.

>> Has anyone else become
a pod person before? >> Lots of white women. Jennifer Aniston, Lady Gaga, Cindy
Crawford, and the queen of supplanting selfcare for a good hard look in the
mirror herself, Gwyneth Paltrow tried it. >> So Ill be making history as the first
unicorn sorcerer hybrid to try this. >> Obviously.

>> Are there any risks? >> Again, it's not a cocoon per se, but some sources do argue that too much
sauna bathing can kill your sperm count. >> I reproduce asexually anyways. There are up to 10 Jeffreys running
around the city at any given time. >> Whoa, what are the other Jeffreys like? >> I could tell you, but
then I'd have to make you one of us.

[MUSIC] >> My gosh. [MUSIC] >> Welcome to Saunabar. >> Hey.
>> Hi. >> Today you are going to experience
an amazing infrared sauna pod treatment.

It's all about detox on a cellular level,
relieving anxiety, stress and pain, and
also awakening glowing skin. >> That sounds amazing. >> Will it burn fat at all? >> Yeah, up to 600 calories per session. >> Great.
That's like a burger, bye.

>> It's amazing. I'm excited for you to try it out. >> I am too. [SOUND] Wait,
am I gonna get actually burnt? >> No, absolutely not.

These are the healing rays of the sun. Infrared therapy heats your body from the
inside out to relax, refresh, and heal. >> We just wanted to make sure
no risk of a final destination. >> Absolutely not.

>> Well I'm loosing blood rapidly,
so I'm gonna go. >> Yeah, I was gonna ask,
why do you have a pad on your face? >> I just got sucked dry by leeches. >> Okay.
>> But have an amazing time. Bye.

>> Bye leech. >> All right Jeffrey,
are you ready for your experience? >> Yeah.
Do I need to be naked? >> I'll help you get naked if you want to. >> Is it better if I'm naked? >> You'll see. >> My god.

[MUSIC] >> So this is the infrared sauna pod. Infrared heat penetrates
directly into the body and actually heats you from the inside out. So what that means is your body is able to
heal itself in terms of pain, stiffness, stress, anxiety, and you're gonna get
better sleep by doing sauna sessions. >> Like a snake.

>> Shedding your skin,
like that way, or what? [LAUGH] Ergonomic bed,
you're laying on jade stones. There's 440 of them, so
that's gonna add to the healing. >> And this is jade? >> Jade crystal. >> Jamie has one of these in her pussy.

>> Well, you know what? I would recommend that as well. >> Jade, you know what I'm saying? Am I gonna sweat? >> You'll sweat at the end. >> At the end, why the end? >> Because, remember I said,
it's heating you from the inside out? >> So first of all,
you're kind of sweaty on the inside, and then at the very end you're
sweaty on the outside. >> My God.
>> And you're gonna have a nice glow.

>> A nice glow. >> One of my favorite benefits
is that I meditate in here, and I go out of body, I float. >> Wow, okay. >> I call it my little pod of perfection.

>> Do I have to take off my clothes? >> You're gonna take your shoes off. >> Not my underwear. Well, my shoes I have to take off. They are AllSaints.

>> Okay, and
then you're gonna leave your undies on. >> You don't want the fluids
on the jade stones. >> Yeah, exactly. >> You can't exactly boil this.

>> [SOUND] All right, you're ready to go. >> Yes, let's get it. All right. >> I'll turn the lights down.

>> I'm ready to blast off. >> Fantastic. >> See you later, bitches. >> All right, and just dont touch
the light because theyre hot obviously.

>> Aah! >> Grab onto it. >> Stop, stop, elephant. >> Is that your safe word? >> No, its okay, go ahead. [SOUND]
>> All right, you are all set.

Enjoy your time in here. [MUSIC] And all you have to do is just breathe and
relax. >> I just need a blessing. >> All right.

Giving you a blessing now. [MUSIC] >> I would have to say I am very relaxed. I am very warm. I am going to go ahead and
take off my underwear.

That way I can really feel
like a snake on a rock. [MUSIC] I feel like my brain's gonna explode. [MUSIC] Jeffery, you're glowing. [MUSIC] >> Disney should make
another movie about drugs.

>> All right, Jeffery. How are you feeling? >> [SOUND] I feel amazing. I feel so relaxed. >> Can I open this or are you naked? >> You will find out.

>> Wow, there's so much glow on your body. [LAUGH]
>> Thank you so much. >> You're welcome. >> This was a really interesting and
relaxing experience.

>> Right, enjoy. >> Okay, good bye. >> Good bye. [MUSIC] >> Sauna pods are amazing.

[MUSIC] I'm burnt. I'm in excruciating pain. Don't do it, don't go to the sauna pods,
you're gonna burn your fucking skin. Don't get it, don't do it.

Just kidding, that wasn't a sunburn. I was doing an ice and flush,
I highly recommend it. [MUSIC]
So yeah, it's been a few days since the sauna pod,
and actually, I liked it. And I feel like my skin
felt a lot more calm.

I wish I had put on some light oil or something while I was in there
to really maximize its benefits. But other than that, I think it was
definitely more of a meditation pod. I would love to go in there and
do that as a daily thing. I'm glowing.

>> You are glowing, you look amazing. You seemed so happy in that little pod. Would you live in a pod? I'd live in a pod. >> You do live in a pod.

>> I just wanna be alone. >> Jamie did you bury your hamster yet? >> No, she's still in my freezer. She's still in my-
>> You've got to cook her! >> All right,
we've got a comment here from LA Blahhh. She says, I love that Jamie has
the same chin acne that I do, and then an emoji of two women dancing.

>> Sisterhood is important. >> And adult acne sisterhood,
well that's just priceless. >> That shit was gay as fuck,
but hilarious. [SOUND] All the people at SUPERDELUXE.

Seem like they are all hiding the fact
that they kill people in their basement. It just feels like they are all fake
happy, and they really want to die. Didn't anyone get this vibe or
is it just me? Well with 1,001 upvotes, I think you
know what we're doing here, Zach. >> I have no idea what
Zach Oovo Javer is talking about, and I won't answer any more questions.

>> Jamie's up next. What procedure should we have her do? Seriously, tell us. Here's some you've already suggested. [MUSIC] This is Jeffery Eight reminding
you to subscribe to Super Deluxe.

>> And your conventional
beauty standard of choice. [MUSIC].

The Healing Powers of Sauna PodsUpgraded

Thursday, July 19, 2018

The difference between male and female public sauna [The Return of Superman2017.02.05]

This place has hot springs. - Welcome. / - Hello. Soeul is seven and Daeul is four.

How much is it? It's 12 dollars for adults and 8 dollars for kids. Can't I just be six? To save money? We need to follow the rule. That means only Daeul is counted as a kid. - Yes.

/ - Here you go. Thank you. (Men's bath is that way and women's bath is this way.) Men's bath is that way and women's is this way. Please go that way.

- Is it divided? / - Yes. Is there no family bath? (Puzzled) (Bumsoo thought there would be family baths.) Can she do it alone? - I'm older now. I can do it alone. / - Are you sure? That's a relief.

Okay. It's an open-air bath. - Let's shout to each other. / - Okay.

- Okay? / - Okay. - See you in a while. / - Bye, Soeul. (This was filmed after the business hours.) Blue mountains (They're warming themselves up in the bath.) It's so warm.

What if there are sharks? Sharks? Then you should save me. It's too warm for sharks. What will you do if there are? Will you save me or run away? (I'm scared of sharks.) Isn't Soeul here yet? Soeul. (Women's bath, men's bath) Soeul.

(What is she doing? Why isn't she answering me?) Soeul. It's really warm here. Soeul, did you hear me? (There's no answer.) Lee Soeul! I guess she's still taking a shower. I guess so, right? Correct.

Soeul is still busy taking a shower. (Soeul's beauty care at a public bath) Women need more time for showering. Shall I wash my hair now? (Soeul is more beautiful than a flower.) Soeul. (Bumsoo and Daeul await Soeul for so long.) Lee Soeul.

Can't you hear me? (Can't you hear me?) We're so loud. Can't you hear us? (Gosh, I'm so busy right now.) Take a shower quickly and come outside. (Finally, Soeul comes outside.) Someone called me. Where's Daeul? I'm down here! (I'm down here!) I'm down here with Dad.

- Is that so? / - Yes. - Daeul. / - Yes. (The family is reunited through voice.) What took you so long? Whenever I went to a public bath when I was young, my mom always came late.

My dad got undoubtedly mad from waiting. Why didn't they go at a different time? Soeul's a girl so of course she'd want to primp a bit. That's why she was a bit late. That made me smile.

- Lee Daeul. / - Why? - Dad. / - Yes? Are you above me? I'm beside you. Really? You're beside me? Yes, by the wall.

In a warm place. Listen, I'll knock on the wall. All right. (Knocking) I'll give it a try as well.

You are here. You really are. I want to be where you are at. Me, too.

I miss you. I miss her, too. Daeul, who do you miss? Soeul. - Soeul.

/ - Yes? Why did you take so long? That's... It's difficult to explain. Why? I washed my face, put on a facial mask and also washed my hair. How did you come so early? We did all of them.

We did them at once, nonstop. (Nonstop) (Bumsoo wiped Daeul's face three times.) (He briefly washed Daeul's feet.) There's a reason why men only take five minutes to shower. (They finished showering in five minutes.) Soeul! Why? (Daeul points at the sky.) It's the moon. Look at the moon.

What color is the moon? It's white. It's white. It's bright. While looking at the moon, make a wish for how you want this year to be.

I'll make a wish first. (Bumsoo's wish for 2017) In 2017, I'd like Soeul and Daeul to be braver, more courageous and healthier. All right? - Soeul, make a wish. / - I wish that you wouldn't sound so mean.

I don't sound mean. I just speak fast, so I say a lot of different things. Since I speak fast, you think I sound mean? It's because I speak fast. (I'll speak slowly from now on.) Please don't speak in a mean way now.

Soeul, make a wish now. Dear Moon, hello. Since I'm seven years old, I want to be prettier and cooler. (I can't hear anything.) Soeul, speak louder.

No, I've already done it. (It's a secret between the moon and I.) - Soeul. / - Yes? - Was the trip fun? / - Yes. What about you, Daeul? It was fun.

I'm so happy. I'm so happy too. (I'm so happy too.) All right! (Their happiness is charged 100 percent.).

The difference between male and female public sauna [The Return of Superman2017.02.05]

Friday, July 13, 2018

Super Junior-AOA-Buzz all in one in the sauna [Happy Together2017.03.30]

We haven't done this in ages. It's "Escape from the Sauna". - Let's go for it! / - "Escape from the Sauna"! This is a real sauna. - It is a real sauna.

/ - I think so. If you want to get out of here... There are other hosts of our show. You will have to win against them.

You'll spin the wheel and play the chosen game. The winner will get out and enjoy the fruit salad along with many beverages. You have to keep trying until you win. If you lose, you can't get out.

- Why don't you try first, Nara? / - I'll pick Saeho. Saeho is picked. (Nara chooses to go against Saeho.) - Nara. You will spin the wheel.

/ - Okay. "Dance Battle", "World Relay", "Trigger a Laughter", "Karaoke Score Match", "Game of Your Choice" and "Consonant Game". In one, two, three. (Nara chooses a game.) Here it goes.

(What will it be?) It's "Karaoke Score Match". If you sing the song well, - Right. / - You'll get out right away. Saeho, please choose a song first.

- I'll pick "Only Just". / - "Only Just" is great. - This is a trot. / - Here it goes.

("Only Just" by Park Guyun and sung by Cho Saeho) He's like an aerobics instructor. Gosh, this is fun. (He gets a head start.) (I love only you) You're good. (Even if I am here) (From the start, he uses up all of his energy.) - Look.

He's sweating. / - Go for it. (He's already sweating a lot.) (The sauna gets hotter.) It looks like he's been singing for an hour and a half. (One minute and a half turn into one hour and a half.) It's like he's been singing for an hour and a half.

Your two hands  (I will) (His face is about to explode.) He looks like Kang Hodong. Gosh, look at him. (He's lost in the song.) (He's possessed by a spirit of the karaoke.)  In this big world  (Please. I beg of you.) (Please let me get out of this sauna.) - All right.

/ - Thank you. Let's check the score. The score is 91. Is he supposed to escape from this sauna? (His spirit looks like it's already out of the sauna.) All right.

You have to sing zealously like he did. - It's Nara's turn. / - I'll sing "Daring Woman". "Daring Woman"! It'll be hard to beat his score.

- Nara. It'll start now. / - Okay. - I like this song.

It's cute. / - It is, isn't it? - I really like this song. / - You have to look lovely. (He gets excited right away.) Hello, this is Nara.

(She has great manners.) (People outside of the sauna get excited as well.) (Will she be able to get a score higher than 91?) (You are not smiling on purpose, right?) - Right? / - Right? (You are cold only to me, right?) - Right? / - Right? (They are in love with Nara.) (I know how you feel) (You are scared that you might fall for me) (A masked man emerges from the audience.) (Jaeseok must be feeling really hot.) (He's screaming to show that he likes Nara.) (They can't help themselves but dance.) (Please tell me) (Tell me to become your woman)  I wanted to be your woman  (The song finishes.) What will the score be? (What is Nara's score?) It's 93! Nara escapes! - All right. / - Right. - Can I drink this? / - You can go out. (She drinks a cold beverage.) - This time...

/ - Let Hyunjoo try. - He's the oldest. / - Heechul. Do you want to try, Hyunjoo? - It's nice in here.

/ - You're the oldest. - Really? / - I can sleep here for two days. - Heechul. / - Shall I try then? - With whom are you going to compete? / - I...

- I'll pick Saeho. / - Saeho, can you come in please? (Oh, boy.) (I'm sorry, Saeho.) (He can't believe this.) - You. / - Come in, Saeho. - Saeho, come in.

/ - Heechul will spin it. (Heechul chooses a game.) It's "Consonant Game". After we reveal the consonants, - you can exchange words / - It's nice in here. - With the same consonants.

/ - All right. These are the first consonants. Here they are. They are "siot" and "jieut".

- Super Junior. / - "Super Junior". - Winning Contracts. / - "Winning Contracts".

- Standards. / - "Standards". - Award. / - "Award".

- Growth. / - "Growth". - Director. / - "Director".

- Leader. / - "Leader". There's a burial of the living with the dead. - "Burial of the living with the dead." / - Yes.

Kidney. - "Kidney". / - Kidney. - My word is "death in the line of duty".

/ - Okay. This is amazing. In five, four... We have to get them.

- Grandchildren. / - "Grandchildren". - We also have grandsons. / - "Grandson".

You make me want to do this. It's offering. Offering. In five, four, three...

- We have to revise. / - Two... "Revise". In five, four, three, two...

(Heechul fails to escape.) - I did it! / - Heechul. I'm going out. - It's so hot in there. / - Gosh, he is...

- He's really good at that. / - He is. - You were good too. / - Next up is John.

With whom are you going to compete? I think right about now, he should be out of his energy. I will choose Saeho. (He's in despair.) All right. Saeho.

Is it me again? Let's see which game they'll play. (He chooses a game.) - It's "Korean Word Relay". / - "Korean Word Relay". It's like a word relay.

- The first word will be / - It's nice in here. - Son Hyunjoo. / - I understand. You know the chant, right? (The chant is a must in "Korean Word Relay".) (Chanting) (They keep on chanting.) (Everyone in one mine) (Chanting) Son Hyunjoo.

Dice. Weege Liang. - What? "Weege Liang" / - I said, Weege Liang. - What is Weege Liang? / - What is that? There's no one by the name of Weege Liang.

I will give you one more chance. Here we go again. In one, two, three. (Jaeseok is full of energy.) (They fight fire with fire.) Do it one more time.

(Please spare me.) Son Hyunjoo. Joo Hyunmi. - Seaweed soup. / - That's a good one.

Soup ingredients. Lee Gookju. Dice. Stomach medicine.

Medicine... Gosh. - It's one to one now. / - It's one to one.

- Really? / - It's even now. (Let's just say that I lost.) Can I go home after this? This is very challenging for me. (They start again energetically.) (Sighing) (They chant.) Sorry, but you did it wrong. It goes from left to right.

Get the directions right. - What was it? / - From left to right. - Honey. You're so mean.

/ - "Honey"? Honey, you can't already be tired. My eyes are about to fall out. (His eyes might be lost.) They might come out during the game. Look.

My eyes really might fall out. (Even if his eyes might fall out, the game continues.) (He has given up.) (Everyone gets the directions right.) Sauna. Na Hoona. Middle-aged man.

Man... Surrogate mother. (Surrogate mother) Lee Byunghun. Military police.

University. Professor. Sor... (John fails.) - I'll get going.

/ - Please get out. Don't ever pick me again. - Don't call me again. / - Please get out.

Next up is Sangho. - I'll pick Hyunmoo. / - Hyunmoo. Come inside.

(He's surprised.) - Please come in. / - Goodness. It's hot. (The sauna has gotten hotter.) (Sangho chooses a game.) - It's "Karaoke Score Match" / - Karaoke! I'll sing "Met You by Chance".

- "Met You by Chance"? / - It's Songolmae's song. All right. ("Met You by Chance" by Songolmae and sung by Sangho.) (I happened to run into you by chance) (My heart was stolen right then) (Heechul, the rocker makes an appearance.) (With this familiar song,) (everyone is excited.) (However,) (Hyunjoo claps without realizing what he's doing.) (He's losing his mind.) (He's lost in the song.) (He sings hard until the end.) All right. This is it.

- What's the score? / - What will the score be? (His score is 80.) - Goodness. / - I'll beat that score. - It's 80. / - I already won.

- It's 80. / - Okay. - What's the number? / - I haven't been here for ages. - I'll sing "Lucifer".

/ - "Lucifer"! It's the song that made Hyunmoo who he is now. "Lucifer". (It was a part of Happy Together's history.) (Lucifer is his famous choreography.) (An improved version of the dance will be revealed.) Come on. (This time, he will sing and dance together.) (What?) (Sangho is convinced he'll win with only one verse.) (He sings with his raw throat and hurts their ears.) (This is a tragedy.) (They may suffer from indigestion due to his song.) (I'll make up for my bad singing with my dance.) I don't want to see him dance.

What a horrible sight to see. (His dance is still appalling.) (Hyunjoo seems to get a grip thanks to the dance.) (When Hyunmoo dances and sings, it is the worst.) I can't watch this. (They can't stand his dance.) (For the viewers' eyes and ears, it's stopped.) It's a no-brainer. Sangho escapes! Good work, everyone.

(He chugs down a bowl of cold sikhye.) It was a good song. - Heechul. Whom will you choose? / - I will... - I'll choose Hyeongyeong.

/ - Come in. Hyeongyeong. Please come on in. Here it goes.

(Heechul chooses a game.) It's "Dance Battle". Please start the music. ("Excuse Me" by AOA) - I personally learned it from Seolhyun. / - Really? (He learned it from Seolhyun.) (He begins dancing.) (He does Seolhyun's choreography.) (He's good.) Hyeongyeong, copy his move.

(Excuse me, Seolhyun.) (This will be my next dance.) In one, two, three, four. (She tries the choreography.) (She resembles a broken robot.) Goodness. This isn't fun at all. (It's a dramatic difference when he sees her.) (She dances like a machine.) This isn't fun at all.

Goodness. Her dance isn't interesting at all. Here comes my special skill. (He sings with his head voice.) (The sauna is filled with his head voice.) All right.

Stop. Please stop. - Okay. / - Kyounghoon, I'm sorry.

People out of the sauna will be the judges. The winner is Heechul. - It was a unanimous decision. / - Heechul.

- Why? / - Everyone agreed? Heechul escapes! Why? I don't usually imitate Kyounghoon's singing. I had to use it. Or I'd pass out here. - Please do it one more time.

/ - Okay. (It's a joint stage of Super Junior, AOA and Buzz.) (This is the exemplary way of using one's head voice.) Thank you, Kyounghoon. I love you. You can come out too, Hyeongyeong.

(Thank you, my friends.) - Next up is John. / - Okay. - I'll pick Hyunmoo. / - Hyunmoo.

-  Excuse me  / - Okay. John. (John chooses a game.) It's "Dance Battle". - He can dance like Beyonce.

/ - It's "Dance Battle". (Hyunjoo is about to lose his senses again.) (Laughing) Hyunjoo. Are you all right? Can you see these? - 3 Fingers. / - I usually stay in here for 2 days.

All right. (He turns into Beyonce.) Goodness. Look. He's good.

(It's as if he personally learned it from Beyonce.) He's amazing. (He's dangerously sexy.) (His dance move is a piece of work.) (His sexiness even excites people outside the sauna.) Hyunmoo, it's your turn. Let's go. (It looks like he's dancing to "Lucifer".) (Hyunmoon loses.) The victory goes to John.

(John escapes!) You were the funniest and the best guest among them. It will end as soon as Hyunjoo escapes. - I'll pick Myungsoo. / - Myungsoo.

- Here he comes. / - Goodness. Thank you, Hyunjoo. (He is about to turn into a beggar.) Please call an ambulance.

He's about to lose it. - Are you all right? You're ready? / - Yes. (Hyunjoo chooses a game.) It's "Korean Word Relay". - It will start with sauna.

In 1, 2, 3. / - It's sauna. Sauna. Iron.

- Midal. / - "Midal". Barber shop. - Cattle seller.

/ - "Cattle seller"? Hold on. (The game is messy from the start to end.) I said, "cattle seller". If you keep at this rate, you can't escape. Did you get it? - In 1, 2, 3, 4.

/ - In 1, 2, 3, 4. (He says the chant incorrectly.) (He blurts out what he wants to eat.) That's not right. (I want a cold bowl of soy milk noodles.) - All right. / - He's about to pass out.

(It's not easy to escape.) It's not soy milk noodles. (I should have gone first when I had the chance.) I guess you desperately want to eat it. (It's his second trial.) (Everyone wishes Hyunjoo's success this time.) Dean. Lim Jeonghee.

Good news. Food poisoning. Poison. Study of physics.

- Hak Weeik. / - What? - I mean... / - I'm done. I won't play anymore.

It's two to zero. (He's in despair.) (He tries again with Saeho for the 3rd time.) (He plays the game with spite.) (Son Hyunjoo, the actor) (He's an amazing actor with an experience of 26 years.) (He planned on being quiet to keep his reputation.) (He acted silly.) (He fell.) (He dove into the water.) (The day didn't go according to his plan.) (I will escape and complete the shoot on a good note.) Sauna. Na Hoona. Hey, Aram.

(Who is Aram?) I will get out. "Aram"... (Life is hard out of one's home.) Let him win. I was going to let him win.

I only said Na Hoona. - You shouldn't have said it. / - It was my first word. He meant to say youth association.

"Hey, Aram" is a bit much for us to overlook. - It really was. / - It's the name of my old stylist. (He was reminded of her as he was in a hurry.) He was in a rush.

When we are in a hurry, we call out our acquaintance's name. - All right. / - I'll pick Hyunmoo. Hyun Woo will start first.

The first consonants are "giyok" and "nieun". - Notion. / - "Notion". - Gangnam.

/ - "Gangnam". In three, two, one. (He loses again.) I shouldn't have said Gangnam. Now...

(Will I be able to go home today?) Do you know rock-paper-scissors? Let's play this game. - Rock-paper-scissors. / - Rock-paper-scissors. - Take away one.

/ - Take away one. - Rock-paper-scissors. / - Rock-paper-scissors. - Take away one.

/ - Take away one. - Rock-paper-scissors. / - Rock-paper-scissors. - Take away one.

/ - Take away one. (Take away both of them?) (He's doomed.) Goodness. (He's sad, for he can't play the games well.) I understand how you feel now. Hyunjoo.

I understand how you feel now. - Do you not want to go home? / - What is he doing? (He really might end up sleeping here for two days.) (He plays a different game with Hyeongyeong.) - Rock-paper-scissors. / - Rock-paper-scissors. (He has to win.) (She has to lose.) (Please) Rock-paper-scissors.

(What will it be?) - Nice. / - Rock. (Hyunjoo escapes!) (I did it!) - Hyeongyeong. / - Let's go home! (They are in a festive mood.) (Good work, everyone.) It's Happy Together 15th Anniversary Special Trilogy.

Sugeun and Nara left due to previous engagements. Including them, I'd like to thank all of you. - Thank you. / - Thank you.

(The Metal Tray Karaoke will continue.) It's been a long wait. The show will continue.

Super Junior-AOA-Buzz all in one in the sauna [Happy Together2017.03.30]

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Sauna Sessions Episode 8 Weight Loss with Sauna

123... 124... 125... Oh, hi! Hey, sorry you caught me in the middle of
arm day, was doing a few reps there, you probably heard.

But anyway, that's my segue into the question
of the day. Thank you for joining me for another Sauna
Session! Today the question is "can I lose weight by
being in a sauna?" This is a great question and a very common
one because our society places a great deal of emphasis on the importance of weight loss. We're always looking for the next best thing. Now before I delve into it, I wanna preface
that I am not your doctor, Google is not your doctor, and your mother is not your doctor...

So that being said, we can't just throw all
the health benefits of sauna use out the window. There are two factors that I would like to
discuss, as it pertains to weight loss with sauna use. The first is that of the calorie burn. We discussed this in a previous Sauna Session
and we referred to it as a "mini-workout." And that is that sitting and relaxing in a
sauna your cardiac muscles and your respiratory muscles are working harder and faster than
they normally would be if you were relaxing at home in your La-Z-Boy or on your couch.

Now, that being said, you're not gonna lose
17 pounds with your first week of sauna use, it's just not that extreme. It is however a great addition or supplement
to other workouts or even a great way to cool down from a more intense workout. Not only that, you also get the rejuvenating
and cleansing feeling that a sauna experience has to offer. The second factor that I would like to discuss
is that of water loss.

A sauna, as I'm sure you're aware causes you
to perspirate greatly. Ew, gross, right? I know! We always recommend that you rehydrate during
or after a sauna, hydration is important and there's no way around that. So losing weight by losing water is not good,
we don't recommend it. So what's the point of discussing water loss
as it pertains to weight loss in a sauna? Well the point is that with this perspiration,
with this water loss, when this water leaves your body, all the toxins follow! Toxins build up through the normal activities
of daily life and also the stressful ones.

Things like lactic acid, it builds up and
it can make you feel.. Hm, what's a good word? Crummy? Stupid, bad? Lame, poor, general sense of malaise? ...Rotten? A little acidic? So this is a good thing. As you lose water you also lose toxins, so
if your body is feeling as toxic as a political post on Facebook, I'd recommend investigating
and even trying a sauna. It's a great way to detoxify and feel relaxed
and rejuvenated, and ready for the next day.

Now having said all this, the best way to
actually lose weight is to use a sauna as a supplement. A supplement to a cardio workout, or... A
muscle burn. Whatever method of exercise you prefer, a
sauna will be a great addition.

I hope this has sufficiently answered the
question and has given you some valuable information about weight loss as it pertains to sauna
use. If anybody has any other questions about this,
or anything else about sauna, please give us a call: 888-355-3050, and we would be more
than happy to walk through those questions with you. Or, visit us on the web at almostheaven.Com,
or if you happen to be down town Holland, Michigan, be sure to stop by our loft showroom
and we'd be happy to show you around the various models that we have to offer, like this one! This is a new model, it's called the Vista:
that's Spanish for "the view". As you can see, we have a window behind us,
it's a lovely view back there.

Thank you for joining me for this Sauna Session,
and we'll see you in the next one. Make me look good David! I don't know, what are you gonna put back
there David? Like a polar bear, what if I was in like the
Arctic tundra or something... It's a lovely view as you can see... Pretty fortunate to
have this view.

I don't know, what are you gonna do--AH! A polar bear! Um... As you can tell, we have a lovely window here
where you can get a nice vista, or view of your surroundings! I'm very blessed to have this particular view. Ah! The Grand Canyon... So lovely.

Ah. Beautiful. What a beautiful ocean. Look, a dolphin! I don't know.

That's stupid. ...Where was I?.

Sauna Sessions Episode 8 Weight Loss with Sauna

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Sauna Sessions Episode 5

Hi folks, Rick Mouw here from Almost Heaven Saunas. Are you like me and getting a little bit tired of all the ads you hear promoting supplements or vitamins or pills that'll change your life, and do this or that for you? This little pill right here supposedly will help you lose pounds a day if you just take one a day before bed. Just the other day, I heard about some sort of extract they take out of a beet and they put it in a pill, and it helps improve your circulation. I hate beets.

And then there's the jellyfish, there's an ingredient in a jellyfish they put in the pill and it helps your brain. It helps you think better. Like a jellyfish is the smartest creature on a planet. Folks, you don't need these things, this is all hogwash.

What you need is a sauna! You get improved circulation, weight loss, cardio, you get respiratory relief, relief from sore joints, backache, all sorts of documented relief that you get from a sauna and Almost Heaven Saunas offers a full range of indoor and outdoor saunas that you can choose from. So visit us at almostheaven.Com Or call us at 888.355.3050 And let us help you change your life for the better. Really!.

Sauna Sessions Episode 5

Monday, June 25, 2018

Sauna Sessions Episode 4

Rick: Hi sauna fans, this is Rick Mouw coming to you from Jyvskyl,
Finland. Finland, home of more saunas than people,
and the sauna capital of the world. I thought it might be nice for you American
folks to meet a genuine Finnish person. So here I have with me Jussi, and he works
for Harvia here in Finland.

And why dont you say something in Finnish
Jussi? Jussi: *finnish sentence* Rick: See? You can tell hes a real Finnish guy by
the way he speaks Finnish. I also thought it might be nice for you to
hear a few things about sauna experiences in Finland, and so Im gonna interview Jussi
very quickly with a few basic questions. Number one, Jussi, why dont you tell us
how old is the typical Finnish person when they have their first sauna experience? Jussi: Typically, maybe 1 year, even less. Rick: Less than one year.

Jussi: Yep. Rick: So what do they do, sit on mommys
lap? Jussi: Basically, yeah. Rick: Alright. Jussi: Enjoy the soft teats.

Rick: And like Vikings, do you throw them
in the lake afterwards and make them learn to swim? Jussi: Basically, yeah. Rick: Okay, they start them young here. Jussi: Yeah, cold weather here, yes. Rick: Alright.

So now as a genuine Finnish person, about
how many saunas do you personally take a week? Jussi: Approximately 3 saunas. Rick: He takes 3 saunas a week, and of course
there are many types of saunas, theres a steam sauna, theres a wet sauna, dry
sauna, theres smoke sauna, theres the electric saunas, wood saunas: whats your
favorite type of sauna? Jussi: My favorite type is wood-heated cottage
sauna. Rick: Wood-heated cottage sauna, and they
call them cottages over here, we call them cabins, and everybody has one. Theres more cabins than there are people
in Finland.

Okay, lets say last question here, youve
been usinghow old are you? Jussi: Im 36. Rick: Hes 36, just a baby. Okay, in your lifetime youve been taking
saunas your whole life, how does it make you feel, how does it change your life? Jussi: It helps me to relax. Thats the main point about it.

Rick: And look at him! For a Finnish guy, he couldnt look more
relaxed. So, this is Rick Mouw, Almost Heaven Saunas,
thank you Jussi for joining us. Jussi: Thank you Rick. Rick: And you have a lot of good reasons now
where you wanna consider a sauna, and buy it from Almost Heaven Saunas.

Thank you so much..

Sauna Sessions Episode 4

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Sauna Sessions Episode 3

Hi folks, Rick Mouw here from Almost Heaven Saunas. I hate to be a downer but I need to remind you of something
you don't want to hear. Winter is coming. It's the coldest, most depressing and
miserable season known to mankind and it's nearly upon us.

In just a short
couple of months the reality of winter is here: dropping temperatures, snow, ice,
shorter days, frosty windshields... I. Shudder just thinking about it. Sure
there are those of you who pretend to like winter, you'll ski, ice fish, make
snow angels to get you through, but you're really just trying to make the
best of a bad situation.

If you had your choice you would hunker
down somewhere warm and tropical rather than be miserable in the cold. So let me
ask you: what are you doing to get ready for the long winter? Don't wait until
it's too late, there's still time to prepare and it doesn't have to involve
moving to the tropics. Let us help you Almost Heaven Saunas offers a full
lineup of indoor and outdoor saunas to help you counteract the effects of
winter. Picture a beautiful sauna located only steps away from your back door.

picture you entering that 190 degree sauna in the middle of a blizzard with
nothing more than a towel wrapped around your goosebumps. After 20 minutes in your hot sauna you step out into the snow buck naked, and you laugh at the winner
that's trying to sap the joy from your life. For added measure you roll in the
snow as if to tell Old Man Winter "you can't touch this!" And then you casually
strut back to your sauna for another round. It's not complicated folks, you can get
through winter, but you need our help.

Whether an outdoor or an indoor sauna,
we can protect you from the cold. Check out our full offering of hot saunas at
almostheaven.Com or call us at 888.355.3050. Remember, winter is coming. You.

Sauna Sessions Episode 3

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Sauna helps firefighters battle cancer













Sauna helps firefighters battle cancer

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Sauna Etiquette How to Use Sauna at the GymDo's and Donts for the Steam Room

Hello everyone, in this video you will come
to know about Sauna Etiquette: Do's and Don'ts for the Steam Room. If you want to know about it then watch till
the end of the video and if you like the video, please do not forget to subscribe to this
channel. So let's start. Sauna is a wonderful place to relax and loosen
up after an intense workout.

The steam emitted from saunas can help you
to sweat out toxins and the heat will drain the tension from your muscles. Furthermore the quiet ambience will be wonderfully
restful. We are suggesting sauna etiquette that must
be followed while you are in sauna. Some of the Dos are: Bring your own Towels - You need one towel
to wear and one to sit or lay on and another one to dry off once you leave.

Be Quiet - Saunas are a perfect place for
silence and meditation. Speak quietly if you are having a conversation
with a friend. Get in and out quickly - You should know that
leaving the door open will let the steam out. So close the door as quickly as possible when
entering or leaving the sauna.

Shower first - Enter the sauna clean by taking
a shower first, this will get rid of any bad body odors, bacteria, and sweat. Some of the Don'ts are: Work out - The sauna is a wonderful place
to relax and sit. It is not the place for work out. Spit - Never spit inside the sauna.

Over-water the rocks - Don't put too much
water onto the rocks as this can fill the room with excessive heat and will make it
uncomfortable for those who prefer the steam. So always ask the other people in the room,
if they want more heat or steam before putting water onto the rocks. Bring your Electronics - Never bring your
electronics as they can get damaged by the heat and steam. We hope the above sauna etiquette will be
useful for you when you are using public saunas.

Thanks for watching this video, if you enjoyed
this video, please do not forget to like and subscribe to our channel. Here are some of our other videos which you
may find useful. In this channel you will get information about
various health and life related topics. Wishing you good health in your life, bye..

Sauna Etiquette How to Use Sauna at the GymDo's and Donts for the Steam Room

Friday, June 1, 2018

Sauna Deco Amsterdam

Hey Everyone.  Today Jessica Lipowski is joining me. Hiiiiiii! Today, we are going to show you another true Amsterdam hidden gem. I've been dying to come here and I'm so glad now that I have the chance.

Welcome to Sauna Deco. A small, luxury spa in the heart of the city center. What makes this place so special is its unique Art Deco interior much of which came from 1920s Paris Sauna Deco is a family business. It's been around for 36 years What you see here is original Art Deco moved here back from Paris They got if from a warehouse department store called Au Bon Marche.

Back in the day they decided to tear it down over there And they brought most of it here and it found a nice place. You might notice that the place looks a little empty. And that is because we couldn't film during business hours. But now we have the place entirely to ourselves.

This is stunning The way it works is that you start out at one of the two saunas and the steam room. These infared lounges are great You then come to the pool to cool off. Cool off, nothing. This is freezing! It takes a little while to get used to.

Little while....... And afterwards you can lounge in one of their three lounge areas Sauna Deco also serves drinks and a light lunch There's even a wellness center that offers massages, facials and a tanning bed. Very nice... After a couple of hours there, I feel so relaxed.

The whole interior is just relaxing I can see why people come to saunas especially this one. It's just amazingly beautiful. Just gorgeous. If  you'd like more information on anything you've seen today at Sauna Deco just check out the link below.

And while you're at it, don't forget to give us a "like" and subscribe. See you next time... Bye!.

Sauna Deco Amsterdam

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Sauna Benefits, Free Standing Steam Room Costs Sampo Hot Rock Heater

So here's our sauna. It's a freestanding sauna I built with a, see the control here. I built it with plywood. We had another sauna, that was a part of a room, but what happens with those types of saunas is they have mould problems.

So I built this straight out of plywood. It's got some LED lighting in here, and we've got these railings around. Here's our Sampo sauna heater, Sampo, it's got hot rocks in there, and we spray it with our water bottle, and Vanessa likes to put ice on it. Here's a little sensor for the heat, so it can tell what the total is.

We have a seat in here, And the seats and the back walls are always covered with clean towels, so that the sweat is removable, and doesn't stick into the wood. So, anything you'd like to say Vanessa? No, I think you did pretty well. We use Eucalyptus oil in our sauna. Right.

And we have, the heater is actually a wet heater, Yeah. So, it's a steam sauna. It's not a dry sauna. Right.

Which is wonderful. And you can use any oil you want to use. You can use peppermint, eucalyptus, lavender, you know, whatever. Or even herbal teas.

Yeah. That you want to use for health purposes. Mm hm. And we also put ice on the sauna rocks, Yeah.

We actually have beautiful crystals in there as well. We have amethyst, rose quartz crystals, and we believe in the energy of the crystals. So. Yeah, see the rose crystals? Yeah, we.

And after the sauna, we have an ice cold shower. Yeah. To get the circulation going. Now, in the bottom of this wet sauna heater, we've got a baking pan in there, to catch any dribbles of water.

Yeah. So that doesn't create mould or anything. We try to keep it as sanitary as possible. Yeah.

Well, that's very sanitary. And also on the feet, we have towels, because, you know, following the concept of the European saunas, you are not even allowed to put your big toe on the wood. You know, somebody will yell at you. And say, put a towel under you, right.

Yeah. Right. And so that's quite important. So this is not insulated at all.

It, most of the heat comes from the steam, and I built a nice door here, We've have a towel over there that acts like a gasket so the hot air doesn't come out. It's right in, it's totally freestanding. It's on a little, sort of, a skid system there. So that it doesn't, it's off the ground, doesn't create any problems with the floor.

It's all made of plywood. Four feet wide, or pretty much four, three feet wide here, I guess. We have a small area to fit it in here. When you have the, it's a four thousand watt heater, so it's got a 220 line coming in, and the sauna control serves as the GFI.

If you don't have that control, you need a very expensive GFI breaker. As it is, this serves as that breaker. It shuts off. Yeah, it shuts off automatically, timer, and you can tell how hot it is in there.

We usually go in when it's about 50? 45. 45 Or 50, so we're ready to go, on this one. Saunas, very healthy thing to do. I have asthma, so it's very important to get the eucalyptus treatments, and the steam.

Very good. Closed Captioning by Kris Brandhagen. Brandhagen@gmail.Com.

Sauna Benefits, Free Standing Steam Room Costs Sampo Hot Rock Heater

Sunday, May 20, 2018


 All right, I got this when I was in preschool. I actually got expelled for kissing every single girl in the class When you send it it gets delivered right well logang I sent it, and it is currently getting delivered a yoga morning Logang Whats poping you guys know we're having a furniture problem right that retro furniture was taking the houses to empty right now So today's the furnace today inside of that van that is obviously having a hard time parking is a portable. Oh boxes nice So here's the deal guys left updates number one if you have not subscribed yet make sure to join the logang the strongest family on YouTube that's a fact hit the subscribe button for me number two you guys know the number song was released yesterday I hope you're enjoying that singing about numbers Listen to me being a good roommate. Spencer you got a little sticker on you that  means Im healthy and fresh This is definitely one of the tickers you would find on bananas Well, I am a banana.

You are haha a banana Lastly all know guys maverick merch.The hottest softest merch in the game We have free shipping on domestic orders over $50 And we just drops a bunch of new stuff as seen here Logan Paul back on slash shop or link in description now why are we in here because the pool tables gotta go right here turning this room into a game room right so you got the Ping-pong table here, and then you're gonna be able to play pool right there And then I think once put a TV on that wall board exactly One of my future ex-boyfriends yes How many followers do you have on Instagram now we made Suzy and Instagram it's at neighbors Suzy how To the Maverick Enterprise take 50% of everything you make I don't know where's my you drive a hard bargain Yeah, oh snap Suzy brought me some furniture Suzy brought me a lot of stuff including that guy yeah Wow truly remarkable the things they have like this this is great Suzy, okay? Let's get out run. Just as you're doing this be careful There is a killer dog that we have running around so just take it easy in which is watch out Yesterday Eagles I like that and I can learn these lyrics everyone knows Suzie's no more games. Okay? I'm Kind of a big deal yeah, of course Oh you mean these ones Hoodies available now and looking for /i Suzie I'ma be honest I you can have whatever you want Wow I'm you tryna too small for you all those muscles. He's gonna stretch out my hoodie Yeah, I'm gonna leave this to users yeah, you know how I can tell watch the pecs, bro You shouldn't this shouldn't be thing you should be able to see this stretched it out.

Yeah, that's because I'm your Eye Suzy go ahead and do your shopping spree imma go this way Single day Vikas just gets more Oh Wait a second no bro, I bet this blue can be used as a green screen, bro All right Ivan you're sleeping, but you're on the move Anyways guys so since today is about populating house cool stuff. You know the other day We got something that I haven't shown you guys yet. I've been waiting for forever. Let's do a little flashback to the other day Inside the wooden box there's more boxes You guys, this is material for the law this could be the log of log yo y'all don't even know It's clear to me you guys have absolutely no idea what's going on, okay, so just go live your merry little lives.

All right I want to start. I'm a surprise job with the log. Okay, I. Respect your I have not been this excited since I hit puberty you have you ready Yeah, are ya did I got muscles now.

We're actually behind the gym right now I don't know if you guys know this place sometimes see it. We have this space here I want to put a mini horse over there before that it's also a great spot for a log, right I'm thinking right here next to the rain barrel. Good little patch of dirt I'm gonna let the boys work, and then when it's done. Yeah, I guess we're gonna check it out Okay, yeah, she'll be done by now.

It's dark. It's nighttime. Let's go check it out boy is the log done So nice I actually don't I don't even want to show that much of it looking at me showing this right now Hey extra light Wow me showing this at night is not gonna Do it justice so let's cut back to present day future Logan take it away. Yeah, hey, thanks Pass Logan, okay? Yo, this is a big deal.

The log is complete ready to be used now I'm sure some of you may have figured it out by now the log. Okay, check it out Baby yo, you want to tell me what it is We do Without your boy come on go this looks steamy, bro Come on in boys just a couple boys in the sauna no big deal wait What did you just say is my first time in a sauna? No it's at your house Yeah, absolutely spacious in here like the log change the room. I hope you don't mind I grabbed a couple of pair of the boards. Yeah the crew woman Those are the women's performance shorts available now in local bold icon slash outputs.

Yeah, I'm not the only one who does Come out the number song Yeah, it's already on actually so I also actually came up with an idea for a new segment to do it here solo gang I give you a song on a secret Okay these are actual secrets that happen in our lives. That's the rule they have to be true All right, I got this when I was in preschool. I actually got expelled for kissing every single girl in the class But you can't expel me now mrs. Buns yeah, that's right, I can kiss any girl who wants to kiss me back I use my door face up to park in handicapped parking spots Technically a handicap right you have a handicap think about it if I park far away from the parking lot And I'm walking and some cars backing up and doesn't see me Oh Live in a world with no cell phones and no internet.

I would choose that over this world Mad commendable Wow you're a Human I are you're up But actually I watched Logan's vlogs and the sauna when I'm at the gym oh No no lay it down, that's kind of dough All right guys that is the blog thank you guys for watching as usual no gang you guys know I love you if you're not a part of us make sure to subscribe smash the button for me Also cop your maverick merch the hottest off this mercs in the game Whether you're a male or a female or a male who wants to wear female things or whoa man whoa man? This week only free shipping on domestic orders over $50 Logan Paul back on slash up Fucking bought that spice slow gang. I love you, and I will see you tomorrow.